Audio Sermons

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Russell  Dykstra
Sun, Mar 30, 2014
Preached in Faith PRC by guest preacher, Prof.R.Dykstra, as the closing sermon to a series on the ten commandments based on the Heidelberg Catechism (LD 44). The message has these parts: 1. What The Tenth Commandment Teaches 2. How Much of The Law We Can Keep 3. Why God is So Strict
Nathan  Decker
Sun, Mar 30, 2014
Duration: 33 mins 49 secs
Sermon preached in Trinity Protestant Reformed Church.
Steven  Key
Sun, Mar 30, 2014
Passage: Esther 7:2-3
Duration: 1 hr 3 mins 53 secs
Preached in Loveland (CO)PRC by her pastor as part of a series on the restoration of God's house from OT history. The message gas these parts: 1. The Sorry Setting 2. The Vicious Attack 3. The Divine Purpose Served
Steven  Key
Sun, Mar 30, 2014
Passage: Psalms 101:2
Duration: 50 mins 1 sec
Preached in Loveland (CO) PRC by her pastor on the occasion of the administration of the sacrament of baptism. The sermon has these parts: 1. A Comprehensive Resolution 2. A Particular Application 3. A Single Possibility
Kenneth  Koole
Sun, Mar 23, 2014
Duration: 48 mins 53 secs
Preached in Faith PRC, Jenison MI, by guest preacher, Rev.K.Koole. The message has these parts: 1. Israel's Grievous Sin 2. Fiery Judgement Sent 3. Yet, Jehovah's Merciful Provision
Dan  Holstege
Sun, Mar 23, 2014
Duration: 47 mins 58 secs
Preached in First PRC, Holland MI, by her pastor as part of a series on Matthew 24. The message has these parts: 1. A Time Unknown 2. A Time Unexpected 3. A Time of Rapture and Judgment
Audred  Spriensma
Sun, Mar 23, 2014
Duration: 59 mins 8 secs
Preached in Byron Center PRC by her pastor, as part of a series on the life of Joseph.
Carl  Haak
Sun, Mar 23, 2014
Passage: Luke 19:28-40
Duration: 50 mins 29 secs
Preached in Georgetown PRC, Hudsonville MI, by her pastor, as the first part of a Lenten series on the suffering of Christ.
Russell  Dykstra
Sun, Mar 23, 2014
Preached in Faith PRC, Jenison MI, by guest preacher, Prof.R.Dykstra, as part of a series on the ten commandments based on the Heidelberg Catechism (LD 43). The message has these parts: 1) Speaking the Truth 2) Resisting All Deception 3) Enjoying Blessed Fellowship
Carl  Haak
Sun, Mar 23, 2014
Preached in Georgetown PRC, Hudsonville MI, by her pastor as part of a series on the Lord's Prayer, based in part on the Heidelberg Catechism (LD 49).
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