Church Government

PRC Synod 2018 - Day 4 (Friday) at Adams Christian School

AdamsCS 1

The PRC Synod 2018 took up its work Friday morning, June 15, at 8 AM at Adams Christian School. 

group inside 1
Group picture inside the gym of Adams CS

Second clerk Rev. G. Eriks again provides a detailed summary of synod's work today (also attached in pdf):

After Rev. R. Kleyn led us in opening devotions, synod returned to two recommitted matters from
Committee 2. The first matter was a mandate given to the observers to NAPARC 2018. The
mandate was approved. The second matter was Psalter revision. The pre-advice committee
recommended “that synod inform the interdenominational Psalter revision committee that we will not
continue our official involvement in the work of their committee.” This matter was recommitted
because the recommendation and ground did not take into consideration the decisions of past

Synod then treated the recommendations of Committee 5. The following are some of the highlights:
• Synod reappointed Mr. Don Offringa to a three-year term as synodical treasurer and Rev. R. Van
Overloop to a three-year term as stated clerk. Synod also thanked these men, and our synodical
bookkeeper, Mrs. Pamela Bos, for all of their work.
• Synod noted the following in regard to the finances of the denomination, for which we give thanks
to our God, Who faithfully provides:
1. As of Dec. 31, 2017 the assets of the PRCA totaled $11,880,853, an increase of 11.7% from a
year ago.
2. Revenues exceeded expenses in 2017 by $1,228,289 due entirely to investment earnings of
$1,307,979 during an exceptional year of stock market growth.
3. The Emeritus Fund totaled $3,893,803 by Dec. 31, 2017. The current balance is ahead of the
goal of 4,000,000 in the fund by 2023.
• Synod approved the emeritation request of Rev. Koole effective on July 31, 2018. Synod
expressed its thanks to Rev. Koole for his almost 41 years of faithful service and capable
leadership in the denomination as a minister of the Word and sacraments
• Synod approve 17 requests for emeritation support for 2019 in the amount, $486,195. This is for
the support of our emeritus ministers and minister’s widows. What a blessing that we can support
these men financially as churches. Let us remember these men and their wives in our prayers.
• Synod also approved subsidy requests for eight of our churches, which provides financial support
for these smaller churches so that the gospel can be preached by them.
• The stated clerk, Rev. Van Overloop, called our attention to a couple of things in his report: he
expressed appreciation for the labors of Don Doezema in helping to prepare the substantial
agenda for synod 2018. He also noted that as of January 2018 the PRCA is made up of 33
congregations comprised of 2,144 families and 8,716 souls.
• Finally, Synod 2019 will be held at First PRC (GR) beginning on June 11, 2019.

Synod finished its work today around noon, giving three of the committees of pre-advice time to
work. Synod decided to reconvene Monday afternoon at 1:00pm, the Lord willing.

And here are some candid photos of the delegates and representatives at Synod 2018. See how well you can identify them by now.

Delegates candid 1
Looks like Elder Adams has some pointed advice for Rev. A. Stewart

Delegates candid 2

Delegates candid 3
For some reason, gatherings under the east basketball hoop are common.

Delegates candid 4

DK LT candid

And lunch time - how would synod ever be able to work without the wonderful lunches provided by the faithful ladies?! Thank you, too, for your service to synod!

lunch 1

lunch 2

Last modified on 15 June 2018

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