Audio Sermons

Sermons in this series
Sun, Dec 07, 2014
Duration: 50 mins 50 secs
Preached in Loveland PRC by her pastor, as part of a series on the NT book of 2 Peter. The message has these parts: 1. The Reality 2. The Necessity 3. The Means 4. The Marks
Sun, Nov 30, 2014
Duration: 50 mins 32 secs
Preached in Loveland CO PRC by her pastor, as part of a series on the NT book of 2 Peter. The message has these parts: 1. The Passing Away of the Old 2. The Realization of the New 3. The Preparation in Hope
Sun, Nov 23, 2014
Passage: 2 Peter 3:9
Duration: 49 mins 3 secs
Preached in Loveland PRC by her pastor, as part of a series on the NT book of 2 Peter. The message has these parts: 1. A Blessed Promise 2. A Longsuffering Lord 3. A Repentant People
Sun, Nov 16, 2014
Passage: 2 Peter 3:1
Duration: 49 mins 4 secs
Preached in Loveland CO PRC by her pastor, as part of a series on the NT book of 2 Peter. The message has these parts: 1. The Foundation of History 2. The Basis for Understanding History 3. Its Vital Importance to Our Lives in History
Sun, Oct 19, 2014
Duration: 52 mins 46 secs
Preached in Loveland PRC (CO) by her pastor, as part of a series on 2 Peter. The message has these parts: 1. Of Whom the Text Speaks 2. The Horrible Outcome of their Entanglement 3. The Significance of this Text for Us
Sun, Oct 12, 2014
Passage: 2 Peter 2:9
Duration: 53 mins 6 secs
Preached in Loveland CO PRC by her pastor, as part of a series on the NT book of 2 Peter. The message has these parts: 1. What? 2. Who? 3. By Whom?
Sun, Oct 05, 2014
Duration: 56 mins 35 secs
Preached in Loveland (CO) PRC by her pastor, as part of a series on the NT book of 2 Peter. The sermon is divided this way: 1. Their Identity 2. Their Teachings 3. Their End
Sun, Sep 28, 2014
Duration: 53 mins 52 secs
Preached in Loveland CO PRC by her pastor, as part of a series on 2 Peter. The sermon has these parts: 1. Brilliant 2. Reliable 3. Necessary
Sun, Sep 21, 2014
Duration: 55 mins 4 secs
Preached in Loveland PRC (CO) by her pastor, as part of a series on the NT book of 2 Peter. The sermon has these parts: 1. The Important Things 2. The Necessary Remembrance 3. The Certain Urgency
Sun, Sep 14, 2014
Duration: 47 mins 59 secs
Preached in Loveland CO PRC by her pastor as part of a series on 2 Peter. The message is divided this way: 1. The Meaning 2. The Manner 3. The Fruit
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