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Faithful in Adversity

Wednesday the 18th of September

in Meditations I

Psalm 119: 109, 110

    From God, on Whose earth we walk, Whose plants provide us with all our food, Who gives us every heartbeat and breath of life, we cannot earn or buy the smallest part of this earthly creation. Yea, instead, every minute we become more and more indebted to Him. Much less can we warn or buy or talk Him into giving us the smallest blessing of the kingdom of heaven. Although it may look as though the psalmist is in Psalm 119:109-110 seeking to move God into blessing him for what he did, this is not so at all.

    The psalmist was in a difficult position. In verse 109 he stated that his soul was continually in his hand, and in verse 110 that the enemy had laid a snare for him to fall into; and then he wrote, "Yet do I not forget Thy law," and "Yet have I not erred from Thy precepts."  In this he was not trying to persuade God to bless him because he had done so well thus far. He is not boasting here, even though it may look that way.

    Our versification states it this way (PRC Psalter):

    In danger oft and nigh to death,
    Thy law remembered is my aid;
    The wicked seek my overthrow,
    Yet from Thy truth I have not strayed.

    Notice that he confesses that he must keep God's law. God made that known to him, and for this he owes God thanks. And his statement that he erred not underscores his sincerity when he wrote that he loved God's law and considered it to be a lamp unto his feet.

    We do well to remember these words of the psalmist. God owes us nothing; but we owe Him thanks for sending His Son Who took not one step outside God's law, and died for all our missteps. In Him His people will be kept faithful even in adversity, not because they deserve it, but because of God's grace in Christ. When we pray for faithfulness, God will give it to us. Through Christ He will "make you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is well pleasing in His sight" (Heb.13:21).

Read: Hebrews 13 
Psalter versification: #334:3 
(Words and Music of the Psalter)

Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism


Song for Meditation: Psalter #158
Why not sing along??

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:

Isaiah 28 ; Isaiah 29 ; Isaiah 30:1-11 
Galatians 3:23-29 ; Galatians 4:1-31 
Psalm 62:1-12 
Proverbs 23:19-21 
Quote for Reflection: 

"All (the disciples, MD) are within the sphere of Jesus’ attraction.  But the bosom is reserved for, it is the throne of, the Johns.  They feel the throbs of the Savior’s heart.  They know Him as He knows the Father.  Whose is the Gospel that leads to the Holy of Holies, that opens the door into the Lord’s innermost self?  I imagine that none but he who lay on Jesus’ breast had the outline of the last discourse and the last prayer complete in its links, complete in its clothing, in His remembrance.  The secret of the Lord was with him—'the disciple whom Jesus loved.'"   ~ J.Lang

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