God's Wonderful Gift to Us

Psalm 40:5

    The angel said it, and by faith we accept it and are comforted by it. He said, "Fear not; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord" (Luke 2:10, 11).

    David, although he did not see this truth as clearly as we do, wrote: "Many, O Lord my God, are Thy wonderful works which Thou hast done, and Thy thoughts which are to usward; they cannot be reckoned up in order unto Thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered" Psalm 40:5.

    Is there a more precious gift than God's Son? Can you think of a more wonderful work of God than this coming of His Son in our flesh, to represent us and take away our guilt, so that we can enter into heavenly glory? Did you receive any other gift today that can in any way and to any degree compare with this gift of God's grace?

    In the measure that we see our sin and guilt, in the measure that we see our hopeless condition, the birth of the Savior is a most wonderful gift of God. And although there are a few Christmas carols that praise God, by all means sing these words (PRC Psalter):

    O Lord my God, how manifold
    The works which Thou hast wrought,
    Oftimes Thou hast bestowed on us
    Thy care and gracious thought.
    Thy works and thoughts most wonderful,
    If I of them would speak,
    Cannot be numbered, and in vain
    To set them forth I seek.

    What a wonder that gift is! Not only was it a virgin birth — a miracle we could never begin to perform — but this wonderful work of God did so much for us sinners! For us who wanted to become like God (Gen. 3:1-6), He became like unto us, so that He could save us from our sins and make us spiritually like unto His Son! What a loving thought of God to us!

    You cannot measure this wonderful gift. You cannot weigh it or set a price upon it. But because of it, we can with the angels cry out: "Glory to God in the highest." Fill the day with praise to Him.

Read: Luke 2:1-20 
Psalter versification: 108:6, 7

Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter #28
Why not sing along??


Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:

Zechariah 8:1-23 
Revelation 16:1-21 
Psalm 144:1-15 
Proverbs 30:29-31 

Quote for Reflection:

Room for Christ:  “…there was no room for them in the inn.“  (Luke 2:7)   Speech is very free in this land; but, oh, how little room there is for Christ in our conversations! Even on Sunday afternoon, how little room there is for Christ in some professing Christian homes.   …I address many who are working-men. You are employed among a great many different companies day after day; do you not find, brethren--I know you do--that there is very little room for Christ "in the workplace?" There is room for talk of sports; there is room for lewd conversation, there is room for politics, slanders, or lying talk; but there is no room for Christ. Too many of our working men think Christianity would be an encumbrance, a chain, a prison to them. They can frequent the theater, or listen to some conference speaker, but the Church is too dreary for them. …The world is elbowing and pushing for more room, until there is scarce a corner left where the babe of Bethlehem can be laid.”   -Charles H. Spurgeon

Last modified on 24 December 2019

Additional Info

  • Date: 25-December
Heys, John A.

Rev. John A. Heys was born on March 16, 1910 in Grand Rapids, MI. He was ordained and installed into the ministry at Hope, Walker, MI in 1941.  He later served at Hull, Iowa beginning in 1955.  In 1959 he accepted the call to serve the South Holland, IL Protestant Reformed Church.  He received and accepted the call to Holland, Michigan Protestant Reformed Church in 1967.  He retired from the active ministry in 1980.  He entered into glory on February 16, 1998.

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