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Putting on the New Man

A soldier or policeman can walk down the street without his uniform that marks his identity as soldier or policeman. A bride wears a certain style of dress which sets her apart from all the rest at the wedding. One must put on certain clothes to let others know one's position or calling.

Bear that in mind when in Ephesians 4:24 we read, "And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and holiness." For the idea is that we must, in all our walk of life, reveal that we are children of God.

However, that new man is not clothing. And putting on the new man does not mean that we make ourselves children of God. Take note of the fact that Paul tells us that the new man is "after God created in righteousness and holiness." Besides, we cannot make ourselves holy and righteous. And creating is bringing into being that which does not exist. We must not deny God the glory and praise He deserves for our salvation. He saves us. We contribute nothing to the work of bringing us into salvation.

Putting on the new man means putting on something that is new, something we did not have and could not reach by our work or will. God gives us something new. We came into this world as sinners, guilty in Adam. Of that we read plainly in Psalm 14:2, 3 and Ephesians 2:1 .

Our calling here is for us to use what God gave us, and to let it be seen, by those round about us, that we are God's children, brought into being by His power and grace. Reveal before men what God did for you and upon you. Sing enthusiastically, "Praise God from Whom all blessings flow." Sing joyfully, "All that I am I owe to Thee, Thy wisdom, Lord, has fashioned me." Confess with the apostle Paul that we are saved by grace, and that not of ourselves; it is the gift of God.

Read: Ephesians 4:1-24

Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:

Isaiah 12 ; Isaiah 13 ; Isaiah 14:1-32 
2 Corinthians 13:1-13 
Psalm 57:1-11 
Proverbs 23:9-11 
Quote for Reflection: 

"If we are not convinced that God determines our marital status in order to make us as happy as we can possibly be, in this lifetime and in the next, we will be left without hope."

Lydia Brownback, Fine China is for Single Women Too

Last modified on 12 September 2018

Additional Info

  • Date: 13-September

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