Missions of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America

Classis of the PRC in the Philippines - Meeting of June 12, 2015

Classis of PRCP 12

Elder Sonny Umali (stated clerk), Elder Eric Mescallado, Rev. Kleyn, Rev. V.Ibe, Rev. J.Flores, Elder Reden Zuniega, Deacon Eric Castano, Deacon Buboy Prosia

From our missionary in the Philippines comes this report on the recent Classis meeting of the PRC in the Philippines. We thank him for this update and for the pictures.

The Classis of the PRC in the Philippines met on Friday, June 12, 2015.  The meeting was held in the PRC in Bulacan.  This was the 5th meeting since the denomination's formation in 2014.  Rev. Flores led in opening devotions, and then Rev. Ibe chaired the meeting. 

The business of Classis was mostly routine (reports of standing committees, church visitors, clerk, treasurer, etc.) and Classis was able to finish its work by noon. 

The main actions were that Classis (1) adopted a constitution for Emeritus work, (2) adopted a constitution for Translation work, and (3) mandated its standing committee which is responsible, among other things, for contact with other churches to correspond with the Contact Committee of the PRCA with a view to establishing a sister church relationship.  It is encouraging to know of the PRCP's desire to work toward such a relationship.  We trust the standing committee is able to meet sometime in the near future to get that ball rolling. 

The next meeting of the Classis is scheduled for Saturday, October 31 in the Berean PRC.

Classis of PRCP 2

For more pictures from this meeting, visit Rev.D.Kleyn's blog.

Last modified on 12 January 2019

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