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Peace with God through His Mercy

To His people, when they turn from sin and run unto Him in faith, our God will speak peace. And what that message of peace is we find so beautifully in Psalm 85:10 , where we read, "Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other."

The idea is that all is well with the believing child of God. Yes, God said to Adam that in the day that he sinned, he would die (Genesis 2:17 ). But He also said, after man fell into sin, that those eternally chosen would be dealt with mercifully and enjoy peace with God. It is true that God holds on to that truth that the wages of sin is death. But, for those whom He chose to save in Christ and His cross, here is mercy.

Knowing this the psalmist declares that awesome truth of mercy and peace for God's children. The punishment of sin God took away through His Son and His cross. For there He suffered our punishment, and could cry out, "It is finished." The punishment we deserve was finished. Having done this Christ is called, as Isaiah wrote in chapter 9:6, "The Prince of Peace."

Righteousness and peace go together. They do not fight each other. There will be peace with those who are righteous, or have become righteous through that cross of Christ. There is peace between God and the righteous angels, and between God and the members of Christ's body, the church for which He died. Righteousness and peace kiss each other, that is, will go along perfectly together.

We cannot ourselves get rid of our guilt, nor rid our souls of sin. God will do that through death and a resurrection. But His mercy does take away in this life the punishment our sins call for, because of that cross of Christ. Christ beings us peace, and is properly called the Prince of Peace. That peace we will fully enjoy when He comes back upon the clouds of heaven and ushers in the Kingdom of Heaven, where righteousness and peace will everlastingly kiss each other. A wonderful life is ahead for us.

Read: Luke 2:1-15

Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:

1 Kings 7 
Acts 7:30-50 
Psalm 128:1-6 
Proverbs 16:31-33

Quote for Reflection:

"You cannot make your children love the Bible, I allow.  None but the Holy Ghost can give us a heart to delight in the Word.  But you can make your children acquainted with the Bible; and be sure they cannot be acquainted with that blessed book too soon, or too well."  -- J.C. Ryle, "The Duties of Parents"

Last modified on 10 June 2018

Additional Info

  • Date: 10-June

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