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Walking in the Truth

Created in God's image we know the way in which we must walk, namely, in love toward Him. However, in Adam we went away, walking in Satan's way, not God's. But being born again by God's Spirit we can walk in His way, doing what is pleasing in His sight.

We need, however, to be taught the details. Therefore the psalmist in Psalm 86:11 prays, "Teach me thy way, O Lord; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name."

The truth wherein we must walk is that He is God. Every sin that we commit is saying by that deed that He is not God, and cannot tell us what to do, and that we do not exist for His glory. Our calling then is to know in our hearts, not merely in our minds, what pleases Him. Our hearts must be united in fear, that is, reverence and respect for His name. The devil knows with his mind that Jehovah is God; but he does not know that with his heart. Hence the prayer here: Unite my heart to fear Thy name.

Unless our hearts say that we must and we want to walk in His way, the way He has set before us by His act of creating us, we will not walk in the truth, but in the lie that He is not God.

Every day we must pray that we may know the truth in our hearts, so that we want to walk in it. Walking in the lie is walking in Satan's way. We must know what Christ knew and did. And when God teaches us what Christ did for us, we will want to walk in that which pleases God. We will want to walk in thankfulness before God. Christ is the way, because He is the truth and the life. Our prayer is therefore that we may walk as Christ walked. He died for our sins to earn the way for our righteous walk.

Make this your prayer every day. And be thankful that Christ is the way whereby we can do this. He prepared the way and is the way that makes it possible for us to walk in truth with a heart that loves God.

Read: Psalm 86

Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:

1 Kings 8:1-66 
Acts 7:51-60 
Acts 8:1-13 
Psalm 129:1-8 
Proverbs 17:1

Quote for Reflection:

"Of one thing our children must never be in any doubt; of one thing they must be sure, absolutely sure--our love for them.  Assurance of the parents' love for them as covenant children of God gives a sturdy security; a healthy self-love and sense of worth, in Christ; and a right knowledge of the Father in heaven." -- David J. Engelsma, "As a Father Pitieth his Children"

Last modified on 11 June 2018

Additional Info

  • Date: 11-June

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