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Trust That Is a Must

Psalm 62:5

Trust in God will always be characterized by looking away from self. David revealed this very plainly in Psalm 62. Having stated that his soul trusted in God alone for his salvation, he commands his soul to wait upon God. In verse 1, he stated, ''Truly my soul waiteth upon God,'' and then after reviewing the woes of the wicked's attack upon him, he gives in verse 5 this command to his soul, "My soul, wait thou only upon God, for my expectation is from Him."

And it is so important that we say this to our souls. For our souls must say this to our whole being. That our mouths say that we trust in God means nothing, if the soul does not say it. And when the soul says that it trusts in God, it commands our whole being to look up to Him for all of our salvation. That soul does not simply say that it is a good idea to trust only in God. Our souls must not simply suggest to our whole being that we look nowhere for salvation but unto God. Our soul must command our whole being to wait in silence upon God.

Our versification exhorts such trust in these words (PRC Psalter):

    On Him, ye people evermore
    Rely with confidence:
    Before Him pour ye out your heart,
    For God is our defense.

Tell your soul then to trust in God when the unbeliever attacks you or Satan tempts you. Say it when it looks as though God has forsaken and forgotten you. Say it when all goes well, as far as your flesh is concerned. For then you are in danger of forgetting and forsaking Him and of trusting in self or in earthly things.

Trust in God is a must. There is not one moment when this is not absolutely essential for our well-being. Our souls must be ordered to trust in God alone. David speaks of his expectation or hope. But there is no hope of salvation unless our souls wait upon God. Rely on Him with confidence, for He is our defense. And a more sure and safer defense you cannot find than the almighty, unchangeable God.

Read: Psalm 118 
Psalter versification: #161:5

Daily Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter #110
Why not sing along??

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:

Numbers 4 ; Numbers 5:1-31 
Mark 12:18-37 
Psalm 48:1-14 
Proverbs 10:26 

Quote for Reflection:

While we do not believe that God's people are actually justified in eternity, we do believe that there is a very close relationship between election and justification. They are justified by faith, not by election. Nevertheless, their justification cannot be separated from their election. … Such a close connection there is between election and justification, that we know our election by way of our justification. Experiencing through faith the forgiveness of sins, we also know that we have this forgiveness from Him who ‘hath not seen iniquity in Jacob’ nor ‘perverseness in Israel.’ -- Rev. R. Hanko

Last modified on 04 March 2019

Additional Info

  • Date: 5-March

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