

Reformed Witness Hour - June 2023

RWH Logo 2019


June 2023

June 4

Husbands, Love Your Wives

Ephesians 5:25-27

Rev. C. Haak

June 11

Husbands, Love with Purpose

Ephesians 5:27

Rev. C. Haak

June 18

The Husband Is the Head
of the Wife

Ephesians 5:23

Rev. C. Haak

June 25

To Provide and Protect

Ephesians 5:23

Rev. C. Haak



In June, we will continue the series on marriage by Rev. C. Haak. Rev. Haak is a retired minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches.


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Visit our website or go to to sign up for our monthly email.  You’ll receive one email each month with RWH news, statistics, interviews, message excerpts, and other great content.


PO Box 1230, Grand Rapids MI, 49501 | | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


PRC and Sister-Church News Highlights for May 28, 2023

John 14 16Today, May 28, is the twenty-second Lord's Day of this year of our Lord 2023. Below you will find special highlights of PRC and sister-church news. It is our hope that these reports not only inform you but also give you opportunity to pray for the needs of these churches and mission fields throughout the world.

Today is Pentecost Sunday, the Lord's Day on which we remember and celebrate our Savior's blessed gift of the Holy Spirit, by which Jesus Christ bestows on His church and every believer the fullness of salvation and all the gifts necessary to serve Him and His people, as well as to go into the world with the gospel of sovereign grace for the gathering of His complete body of believers. May we in worship today raise songs and prayers of thanks to our abundant Savior.

If you are new to this website and the PRCA, we invite you to join us in worship today or on any of the Sunday's of this year at one of our local congregations near you, or listen online.


  • Last Sunday Rev. M. Kortus (Hope PRC-Redlands, CA) declined the call to Lynden (WA) PRC.

  • Last Sunday Hosanna PRC (Edmonton, AB) extended a call to Rev. M. Kortus (Hope PRC-Redlands, CA).
  • Last Sunday Loveland PRC voted to call Rev. M. Kortus to serve as her next pastor.

  • Last Sunday Randolph PRC called Rev. D. Noorman (SW PRC-Wyoming, MI) to be her next pastor.

  • Last Sunday Zion PRC extended a call to Rev. C. Spronk (Faith PRC-Jenison, MI).

  • Hudsonville PRC's Council has made a new trio of Revs. D. Kleyn (Philippines missions), W. Langerak (Trinity PRC), and J. Mahtani (Hope PRC-Grand rapids, MI). The congregational meeting will be June 4 after the evening service.

Classical appointments and pulpit supply for today in the vacant PRCs:  Prof. B. Huizinga in Doon (IA) PRC; Prof. C. Griess and Rev. J. Smidstra in Georgetown PRC; Rev. T. Miersma in Hosanna PRC, Edmonton, AB; Prof. R. Cammenga and Sem. A. Haveman in Hudsonville PRC; Rev. K. Koole (1st week) in Loveland PRC; Rev. R. Hanko (2nd week) in Lynden PRC; Rev. S. Key (1st week) in Randolph PRC; Prof. B. Gritters and Rev. J. Mahtani in Zion PRC.  May we count it a blessing of our church federation that we can help one another in these needs. Let us remember to pray for the men who supply these pulpits and for the vacant congregations. And may we continue to pray for men to hear the call to serve as pastors and missionaries!



missions conf May 2023

Evangelism and Missions Conference: If you missed the DMC's conference earlier ths month, you may hear the speeches here:

Classis East met May 10-11 in Faith PRC (Jenison, MI). The public report of this meeting has been posted on this webpage.

PRC 100th Anniversary: With gratitude to our faithful God, the PRCA look forward to our 100th anniversary. The celebration is planned for June 23-27, 2025, at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, MI.

SharonK farewell May 26
At a special Friday lunch this past week, the seminary 'family' bid farewell to Sharon (Kleyn) Koerner, the secretary for the last 4 and a half years (seated front right with husband Matt to her left).

PRC Seminary Notices:

  • The PRT Seminary has now completed its second semester. As we enter the spring/summer break, continue to pray for faculty, students, and staff as we shift to other labors and responsibilities, including preparing for the 2023-24 school year. The professors will also be preparing to serve as advisors at the PRC Synod meeting June 13-16 in Southwest PRC. 
  • With joy the faculty of the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary announces that it has licensed student Aaron Van Dyke to speak a word of edification in the churches. We are grateful for the brother’s progress to this point in his training. All scheduling of Mr. Van Dyke must be done through the seminary, either by sending a request to the seminary secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or the rector, Prof. R. Cammenga (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). The brother led his first service in First PRC-Holland, MI last Sunday.
  • Senior Seminarian Matt Koerner is preparing for his synodical exam at the PRC Synod that begins on June 13 at Southwest PRC. His graduation is scheduled for June 15 in that church. Sem. Arend Haveman will be doing his senior-year internship this summer and fall (July-December) in Pittsburgh PRC under Rev. W. Bruinsma. Details for that continue to be worked out. Sem. A. Van Dyke will keep busy with work and preaching assignments. Sem. B. Feenstra has returned home to Redlands, CA for the summer.
  • This past Friday the seminary and TSC held a special lunch to express gratitude to Sharon (Kleyn) Koerner for her four and a half years as seminary secretary. She will be awaiting the examination of her husband Matt at Synod in mid-June and then a call to serve in the churches. We thank the Lord for her diligent service to the seminary and pray for God's richest blessing on her and Matt as they await the next stage of their lives. The TSC has hired Ms. Valerie Kleyn who, having been trained for several weeks, steps into the position alone this week.
  • The Spring 2023 issue of the PR Theological Journal was mailed out in late April. Digital copies have been posted on the journal webpage (see link here). The Spring issue features articles on a distinctive feature of PRC teaching on the covenant of grace, on the image of God in man from a conference in Mexico, on R.L. Dabney's "proposals of mercy," and the first part of a history of Classis West of the PRC - and, of course, several significant book reviews.  If you want to be added to our mailing list (either print or digital) or wish to pick up a copy, contact Sharon, the seminary secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
  • The seminary is open daily from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., including the library and bookstore. PRC members and friends are welcome to visit and make use of these resources.
  • For the latest seminary news and information, visit the seminary's website - and don't forget the blog!

Ps133 1 2


  • Covenant ERC, Singapore and her Kolkata, India mission work:
    • Pastors J. Tan and M. Wee are faithfully serving the CERC. From her bulletin today we note that both pastors were marking Pentecost with special sermons today.
    • There's a new issue of Salt Shakers out! Issue 69 is on the theme "GST: The Christian's Response." Especially for young people, the magazine contains a variety of articles and is edifying for ALL readers! Visit the link provided here to read and learn. 
  • Covenant PRC, N. Ireland:
    • Rev. A. Stewart continues to minister the Word faithfully to the saints in Ballymena.
    • The last newsletter of the CPRC was published in March, which you will find on this page (rh column at the top). Read about the exciting work going on in the CPRC!
    • There's a new issue of Covenant Reformed News out! The May 2023was recenty posted here.  Follow the link to read the latest profitable articles by Revs. A. Stewart (vessels of wrath fitted for destruction) and R. Hanko (the days of Noah).
    • The CPRC YouTube channel may be found here.

  • PRC in the Philippines and her mission work in various places:
    • A March 2023 Newsletter has been published. Be sure to visit the linked page to learn about the latest news from the Philippines.
    • Berean PRC bulletin: Rev. V. Ibe led her services today. And, "The saints in All of Grace Protestant Reformed Fellowship (AGPRF), Gabaldon, NE., will join us in our worship services today via Livestream on our official Facebook page, God willing."
    • Provident PRC bulletin: Rev. D. Kleyn led her services today. also this special note is in her bulletin: "Rev. R. Smit and family are scheduled to leave on June 5 for U.S.A. The Doon PRC intend to recommend Rev. Smit for a call in the PRCA after July 15, the Lord willing."

Reformed Resources for Education, Edification, and Evangelism

RWH Logo 2019
Listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday - on a radio station near you, on Sermonaudio, or on your favorite podcast - wherever you are!


  • This month the RWH begins a marriage series by Rev. C. Haak. Today's message is titled "The Dress Code for Marriage" based on Colossians 3:12-13. For the May RWH Newsletter, visit this page.
  • The Reformed Witness Hour publishes each month's messages in an attractive booklet. These printed sermons are a great blessing to many and are distributed all over the world, including to many prisoners in the U.S. If you or your Evangelism Committee would like to receive these, let the RWHC know and they will add you to the mailing list (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 

 Try the spirits DJE
This Sunday we observe Pentecost, the day our Savior gave the gift of the Holy Spirit to His church. Read this resource, "Try the Spirits," to be able to discern the Spirit's true presence, power, and work from false teachings  on these things.

  • Would you like to learn more about the doctrines and practices of the PRC? Or, are you in need of some pamphlets and/or articles published by the PRC for use in evangelism and/or witnessing? Or are you simply interested in growing in your faith and walk with the Lord? Visit the Resources pages of this website and the PRCA Evangelism page for a complete list of materials available in digital format or by order from the publishing church.

Reformed Book Outlet 2022 2

  • The Reformed Book Outlet (downtown Hudsonville, MI) ISnow operating in its new store in downtown Hudsonville! The new location is at 3472 Harvey St. in Hudsonville. Visit the store and browse the variety of resources for your Reformed-Christian faith and walk, including many children's titles. They are open Tuesday-Friday, 10-5, and Saturday 10-1.

  • Do you need some catechism materials for use in your church or family? The PRC publishes catechism materials on Bible history and Reformed doctrine, for children of all ages. Visit this page for more information.

This Week's Thought for Contemplation

"Related to all the above is also the (for want of a better term) self-effacing character of the Holy Spirit presented in Scripture. This factor, too, is ignored, I believe, in Pentecostalism, Neo-Pentecostalism, or whenever improper emphasis is placed upon the Spirit. I do not wish to minimize the work of the Spirit. Yet it appears that Scripture reveals that the very function of the Spirit is to reveal and magnify Father and Son. The Spirit functions not in order to reveal Who and What is the Spirit, but Who and What is God. Again, I remind you that though there are many references to the Spirit in Scripture, these are brief and serve not so much to emphasize the Person of the Spirit, as to reveal the wonder of God's work in Christ. Perhaps the Netherlands Confession has this in mind when it says that "operations of the Holy Ghost are hidden and incomprehensible" (Art. 35).

"The Netherlands Confession, Article 11, states concerning the Spirit, "We believe and confess also, that the Holy Ghost, from eternity, proceeds from the Father and Son; and therefore neither is made, created, nor begotten, but only proceedeth from both; who in order is the third person of the Holy Trinity; of one and the same essence, majesty and glory with the father, and the Son: and therefore, is the true and eternal God, as the Holy Scriptures teach us."

"That idea of procession, which is also Scriptural (John 15:26 , "...which proceedeth from the Father."), suggests this "self-effacement" of the Spirit. He eternally will reveal the Father to the Son and the Son to the Father. He proceeds from both; and through Him there is fellowship aid communion within the Trinity.

"This same "self-effacement," if you will, is seen in His work in the Church. That already follows from the Scriptural truth that He is repeatedly called the "Spirit of Christ" and the "Comforter" whom I will send unto you. Again, Jesus declares in John 16:13 , "...For Heshall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you." I would conclude, therefore, that in consideration of the work of the Holy Spirit, we first bear in mind always that His work in the church and its individual members is work as the Spirit of Christ. His work is to apply that which Christ has merited so that the full benefits of the cross may be fully ours. In doing this, His task is, on the basis of Christ's work, to gather the members of' the body of Christ to the glory of God -- not to His own glory as Third Person. Secondly, bearing in mind what I have called this "self-effacing" character of the Spirit, we will not place the wrong emphasis upon His work within the church -- an emphasis which would serve to magnify the Spirit in distinction from Father or Son."

Taken from the pamphlet "The Holy Spirit: His Presence, Power, and Fruits" by Rev. G. Van Baren


PRC and Sister-Church News Highlights for May 21, 2023 *(Updated)

Psalm 99 9Today, May 21, is the twenty-first Lord's Day of this year of our Lord 2023. Below you will find special highlights of PRC and sister-church news. It is our hope that these reports not only inform you but also give you opportunity to pray for the needs of these churches and mission fields throughout the world.

If you are new to this website and the PRCA, we invite you to join us in worship today or on any of the Sunday's of this year at one of our local congregations near you, or listen online.

The LORD reigneth; let the people tremble: he sitteth between the cherubims; let the earth be moved. The LORD is great in Zion; and he is high above all the people. Let them praise thy great and terrible name; for it is holy. ...Exalt ye the LORD our God, and worship at his footstool; for he is holy. ~ Psalm 99:1-3, 5


  • Today Rev. M. Kortus (Hope PRC-Redlands, CA) declined the call to Lynden (WA) PRC.

  • Last Sunday Rev. J. Mahtani declined the call to Doon PRC.

  • Last Sunday Rev. A. Brummel declined the call to Hudsonville PRC.

  • The Consistory of Hosanna PRC (Edmonton, AB) has formed a new trio of Revs. C. Spronk (Faith PRC), J. Mahtani (Hope PRC, GR), and M. Kortus (Hope PRC, Redlands). The congregation will vote today after the PM service. *NEW: Rev. Kortus received this call.

  • Loveland PRC's Council has a new trio from which to call her next pastor: Rev. Matt Kortus (Hope PRC - Redlands, CA), Rev. Bill Langerak (Trinity PRC), and Rev. Jacob Maatman (Southeast PRC). The congregation will vote today after the evening service. *NEW: Rev. Kortus received this call.

  • Randolph PRC's Council has a new trio from which the congregation will choose a pastor: Revs. M. Kortus (Hope PRC-Redlands, CA), J. Maatman (SE PRC-Grand Rapids, MI), and D. Noorman (SW PRC-Wyoming, MI). The congregation will vote today following the morning worship service. *NEW: Rev. Noorman received this call.

  • Zion PRC's Council formed a trio to call a pastor: Revs A. Brummel (Calvary PRC-Hull, IA), M. DeBoer (Edgerton-MN PRC), and C. Spronk (Faith PRC-Jenison, MI). The congregation will vote today after the evening service. *NEW: Rev. Spronk received this call.

Classical appointments and pulpit supply for today in the vacant PRCs:  Rev. S. Regnerus in Doon (IA) PRC; Prof. C. Griess and Rev. M. McGeown in Georgetown PRC; Rev. T. Miersma in Hosanna PRC, Edmonton, AB; Prof. R. Cammenga and Rev. N. Decker in Hudsonville PRC; Rev. S. Key in Loveland PRC; Rev. R. Hanko (1st week) in Lynden PRC; Rev. M. DeVries (2nd week) in Randolph PRC; Prof. B. Gritters and Rev. K. Koole in Zion PRC.  May we count it a blessing of our church federation that we can help one another in these needs. Let us remember to pray for the men who supply these pulpits and for the vacant congregations. And may we continue to pray for men to hear the call to serve as pastors and missionaries!

Congregational Evangelism/Mission News

  • From Hudsonville PRC Evangelism Committee: "In Psalm 127 verses 4 and 5, David taught his son Solomon: “As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them.” As fletching helps an arrow fly straight and true to its target, so we hope this podcast will help to guide our young children and point them to Christ. Join us in bringing the Word of God into our homes and hearts, and subscribe now to our Reformed children’s podcast "Fletching". Look for the flyer in the next monthly newsletter with more information."
  • Edgerton (MN) PRC: "May a woman be a preacher, an elder, or a deacon? Why or why not? If not, what is her role in the church and is it really that meaningful? Come to Edgerton Protestant Reformed Church on Friday, June 23 at 7 PM to hear Pastor De Boer speak about the place a woman has in the church according to God’s Word."


missions conf May 2023

Evangelism and Missions Conference: If you missed the DMC's conference earlier ths month, you may hear the speeches here:

Classis East met May 10-11 in Faith PRC (Jenison, MI). The public report of this meeting has been posted on this webpage.

PRC 100th Anniversary: With gratitude to our faithful God, the PRCA look forward to our 100th anniversary. The celebration is planned for June 23-27, 2025, at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, MI.

Picnic Griess May 2023
The seminary 'family' enjoyed its end-of-the-year picnic at the Griess' Saturday evening

PRC Seminary Notices:

  • The PRT Seminary completed its second semester this past week, with final exams being taken. As we enter the spring/summer break, continue to pray for faculty, students, and staff as we shift to other labors and responsibilities, including preparing for the 2023-24 school year. The professors will also be preparing for serving as advisors at the PRC Synod meeting June 13-16. 
  • With joy the faculty of the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary announces that it has licensed student Aaron Van Dyke to speak a word of edification in the churches. We are grateful for the brother’s progress to this point in his training. All scheduling of Mr. Van Dyke must be done through the seminary, either by sending a request to the seminary secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or the rector, Prof. R. Cammenga (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). The brother led his first service in First PRC-Holland, MI this morning.
  • Senior Seminarian Matt Koerner is preparing for his synodical exam at the PRC Synod that begins on June 13 at Southwest PRC. His graduation is scheduled for June 15 in that church. Sem. Arend Haveman will be doing his senior-year internship this summer and fall (July-December) in Pittsburgh PRC under Rev. W. Bruinsma. Details for that continue to be worked out. Sem. A. Van Dyke will keep busy ith work and preaching assignments. Sem. B. Feenstra will be returning home to Redlands, CA for the summer.
  • The TSC has hired Ms. Valerie Kleyn to take over the secretary duties of Mrs. Sharon (Kleyn) Koerner. Valerie has been training for a few weeks and will be gradually taking over this week; Sharon's final day is this Friday, May 26. We thank the Lord for providing another qualified person to fill this important position at the seminary.
  • The Spring 2023 issue of the PR Theological Journal has been mailed out recently. Digital copies have been posted on the journal webpage (see link here). The Spring issue features articles on a distinctive feature of PRC teaching on the covenant of grace, on the image of God in man from a conference in Mexico, on R.L. Dabney's "proposals of mercy," and the first part of a history of Classis West of the PRC - and, of course, several significant book reviews.  If you want to be added to our mailing list (either print or digital) or wish to pick up a copy, contact Sharon, the seminary secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
  • The seminary is open daily from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., including the library and bookstore. PRC members and friends are welcome to visit and make use of these resources.
  • For the latest seminary news and information, visit the seminary's website - and don't forget the blog!

SNegros men 2018 1
PRC missionary work with minister training in Southern Negros (from 2018) - see the note below about Rev. Smit and Kleyn's visit there this weekend.


  • Covenant ERC, Singapore and her Kolkata, India mission work:
    • Pastors J. Tan and M. Wee are faithfully serving the CERC. In her bulletin today is this special notice: "Ultimately, ‘successful’ motherhood and the salvation of your children does not depend on you (thanks be to God!) But all of it depends upon God, who after all, has a love that is stronger and tenderer than the love of any earthly mother. “Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee” (Isa. 49:15). God, to whom, after all, belong our covenant children, and who Himself has promised to care for them: “He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young” (Isa. 40:11). So press on, dear mother, in this high calling of motherhood, utterly dependent on your covenant God Jehovah. The soul of your covenant child is in the hand of your heavenly Father. Happy (belated) Mother’s Day."
    • There's a new issue of Salt Shakers out! Issue 69 is on the theme "GST: The Christian's Response." Especially for young people, the magazine contains a variety of articles and is edifying for ALL readers! Visit the link provided here to read and learn. 
  • Covenant PRC, N. Ireland:
    • Rev. A. Stewart continues to minister the Word faithfully to the saints in Ballymena.
    • The last newsletter of the CPRC was published last month - March 2023 which you will find on this page (rh column at the top). Read about the exciting work going on in the CPRC!
    • There's a new issue of Covenant Reformed News out! The May 2023was posted here this past week.  Follow the link to read the latest profitable articles by Revs. A. Stewart (vessels of wrath fitted for destruction) and R. Hanko (the days of Noah).
    • The CPRC YouTube channel may be found here.

  • PRC in the Philippines and her mission work in various places:
    • A March 2023 Newsletter has been published. Be sure to visit the linked page to learn about the latest news from the Philippines!
    • Berean PRC bulletin: Rev. V. Ibe led her services today. And, "The saints in All of Grace Protestant Reformed Fellowship (AGPRF), Gabaldon, NE., will join us in our worship services today via Livestream on our official Facebook page, God willing."
    • Provident PRC bulletin: Bro. Ruel dela Fuente led her services today. "Rev. R. Smit, Rev. D. Kleyn, and Sis Sharon are in Southern Negros Occidental to visit contacts and to preach and teach there. Rev. R. Smit will be his last visit there."

Reformed Resources for Education, Edification, and Evangelism

RWH Logo 2019
Listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday - on a radio station near you, on Sermonaudio, or on your favorite podcast - wherever you are!


  • This month the RWH begins a marriage series by Rev. C. Haak. Today's message is titled "The Rule of Conduct for Marriage" based on Colossians 3:12-13. For the May RWH Newsletter, visit this page.
  • The Reformed Witness Hour publishes each month's messages in an attractive booklet. These printed sermons are a great blessing to many and are distributed all over the world, including to many prisoners in the U.S. If you or your Evangelism Committee would like to receive these, let the RWHC know and they will add you to the mailing list (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 

 Try the spirits DJE
Next Sunday we will observe Pentecost, the day our Savior gave the gift of the Holy Spirit to His church. Read this resource, "Try the Spirits," to be able to discern the Spirit's true presence and work from false notions of it.

  • Would you like to learn more about the doctrines and practices of the PRC? Or, are you in need of some pamphlets and/or articles published by the PRC for use in evangelism and/or witnessing? Or are you simply interested in growing in your faith and walk with the Lord? Visit the Resources pages of this website and the PRCA Evangelism page for a complete list of materials available in digital format or by order from the publishing church.

Reformed Book Outlet 2022 2

  • The Reformed Book Outlet (downtown Hudsonville, MI) ISnow operating in its new store in downtown Hudsonville! The new location is at 3472 Harvey St. in Hudsonville. Visit the store and browse the variety of resources for your Reformed-Christian faith and walk, including many children's titles. They are open Tuesday-Friday, 10-5, and Saturday 10-1.

  • Do you need some catechism materials for use in your church or family? The PRC publishes catechism materials on Bible history and Reformed doctrine, for children of all ages. Visit this page for more information.

This Week's Thought for Contemplation

"I would suggest that Scripture presents the Spirit principally as the Spirit of Christ or the Spirit of the Son. It is striking that Scripture, though it often mentions the Spirit, does not treat extensively the work of the Spirit -- certainly not with that detail which the gospel accounts treat the work of Christ. There are chapters in Scripture which do touch somewhat upon His work, as John 14 ; Romans 8; Galatians 3 and 5; Ephesians 4 and 5; but even in these passages, a great deal is not presented about the Spirit. The same is true with our confessions. There is mention made of the Spirit in the Heidelberg Catechism (LORD'S DAY 8 and 20) and in the Netherlands Confession (especially Articles 1 and 11) ; but again, only brief reference to Him and His work is presented.

"I would suggest that all of this fits in with the idea that the Spirit is revealed not simply as Spirit, but as the Spirit of Christ.

"His relationship to Christ is evident in Christ's sojourn on this earth. Christ's conception is through the overshadowing of the Holy Ghost (Luke 1:35 ). The Spirit descends upon Jesus in the form of a dove after His baptism (Matthew 3:16). He is led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil (Luke 4:1 ). Christ was directed and led by the Spirit in His ministry (Luke 4:14 , "And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee ...."). He has the Spirit given Him without measure (John 3:34 ). In Christ's exaltation, He receives the "promise of the Holy Ghost" which, Peter explains, accounts for what is seen and heard at Pentecost -- for Jesus pours out of that Spirit upon the church (Acts 2:33 ).

"But also Christ in His teaching and in directing the writing of the apostles, identifies the Spirit as HIS Spirit. His function is, centrally, to reveal God through Christ: to apply His work, to guide in His Word, to protect the whole of the church of Jesus Christ. Though Scripture does speak of the Spirit simply by that name "Holy Spirit" (cf. Romans 8:18 ), or the "Spirit of God" (cf. Romans 15:19 ) , it appears evident that the Holy Spirit in the church functions always as the Spirit of Christ."

Taken from the pamphlet "The Holy Spirit: His Presence, Power, and Fruits" by Rev. G. Van Baren


Covenant Reformed News - May 2023

Covenant Reformed News

May 2023  •  Volume XIX, Issue 13


The Days of Noah (1)

We have a number of different though related questions from the same reader and, since they all concern Noah and the building of the ark, we will treat them together in this article and the next, DV. The brother first quotes from Genesis 7: “And the Lord said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark … For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth … And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth” (1, 4, 10). He then summarizes three arguments used by advocates of various forms of universal grace:

1. The “Seven More Days” Argument. God tells Noah to go into the ark but does He then immediately bring the flood? No. He waits seven more days. Why is that? Isn’t this a gracious act of kindness and benevolence on God’s part? For He was, essentially, delaying His judgment upon the earth, even if only for seven more days. From the perspective of election, all the elect were in the ark. It seems that the door of the ark was only shut and sealed by God after those seven days. Do we not see here God giving one more chance for anyone outside the ark to be saved? What else does this seven-day delay mean?

2. The “Size of the Ark” Argument. The sheer size of the ark that God instructed Noah to build was immense and testifies to the availableness of salvation. Although the ark wasn’t big enough to accommodate the entire world, nevertheless, the very fact that it could have held many more people than just Noah’s family testifies that the well-meant offer of salvation is real—that there is room for more to be saved than just the elect; that Christ and His atonement, which are pictured by the ark, are sufficient to save anyone—whosoever—if only they desire to go in. If, as it is claimed, there is no such benevolence, offer or desire of God for anyone other than the elect to be saved, surely God would have had an ark built that would have only enough room for Noah’s family and no one else—indisputably implying that there would be no de facto allowance for other persons to come into the ark, even if they desired to, and that the atonement would not be sufficient for such individuals.

3. The “120 Years of Preaching” Argument. If you want to kill another bird with the same stone, I have an additional point that’s related to the two Noah questions I have presented above. It’s the notion that the 120 years of Noah’s preaching to the world (Gen. 6:3; II Pet. 2:5) is another example or proof for the well-meant offer. For example, why would God postpone the judgment for 120 years unless He was giving the world a chance to repent? Was Noah preaching a well-meant offer gospel to all men? Wasn’t God gracious to all men in allowing them 120 years more? Aren’t these 120 years a sort of divine patience toward all of the predeluvian world? Especially as, in those days, only Noah and his family were of the elect. Was the Spirit’s “striving” an attempt of God to save all?

In answer to the first question (#1) about the seven days between God’s command and the coming of the flood, my understanding is that the divine command to Noah came seven days before Noah finished the business of getting all the animals, as well as his family, into the ark (Gen. 7:7-9), at which time the ark was closed up by the hand of God and the rain began to fall. The main reason for the “delay,” therefore, was the work that Noah still had to do.

Some commentators erroneously view the seven days as a period of longsuffering or grace shown by God toward the unbelieving and reprobate world. The same view is held of the 120 years it took to build the ark (cf. #3 above). Lutheran theologians, C. F. Keil and F. Delitzsch, in their commentary on the Pentateuch, call the 120 years “the period of grace,” though even they admit that it had passed when God told Noah to enter the ark.

That the seven days (#1) or the 120 years (#3) are God’s grace to the unbelieving and wicked world is very difficult to see, to put it mildly. Scripture tells us that the Lord beheld their great wickedness (Gen. 6:5), repented of His creation of man (6), and announced His intention to destroy humanity, the animals and the birds (7). How then is any “delay,” whether 7 days or 120 years, gracious when God does not grant repentance to any of those who remained unbelieving when Noah and his family entered the ark? How is it mercy, when the “delay” only serves their continuing in unbelief and wickedness? Does grace serve that purpose? With the passage of time, men increase in wickedness and folly, and fill up the cup of their iniquity (Gen. 15:16; I Thess. 2:16), but that is not because God is loving and gracious to them.

The answer of many would be that God was giving them a chance to repent and believe, but repentance and faith are never a mere chance. Repentance and faith are certain, a sovereignly bestowed gift of God to those whom He has eternally chosen in Christ: “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” (Eph. 2:8-10; cf. Acts 11:18). Grace, because it is the grace of God, is powerful and saving. It never fails and is never wasted or in vain.

Our reader’s third question has to do with the 120 years (Gen. 6:3) it took to build the ark. These 120 years are alleged to reflect God’s supposed common grace, universal mercy and general lovingkindness towards all those who perished. But the only mention of grace in this passage of Scripture is towards Noah: “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord” (8)! He alone, and he in contrast to the rest of the world, was shown grace. Nor is “delay” grace, unless one believes that salvation is a mere chance, available to all, and that God was giving men the chance to be saved by the right exercise of their alleged free will. In that case, however, why did God wait only 120 years? Why not longer? Is His supposed common grace or mercy really so limited?

One reason for this “delay” is simply that Noah had work to do, the work of building the ark. It was a huge project and would be even today. Another reason for the 120 years is that in the purpose of God only Noah and his family were to be saved in the ark (Gen. 6:18), but others in the line of the covenant were still living. Methuselah died during the year of the flood and Noah’s father, Lamech, departed only a year or two before.

God had His purpose in letting them live so long. The writing of the Bible had not yet begun so the truth had to be transmitted orally. The long lives of the prediluvian patriarchs served that purpose. Methuselah and Lamech would both have heard the story of creation and the fall from Adam himself, and they would have been able to pass it on to Noah. Not only was there merely one link between Adam and Noah, but Noah would have been able to pass it on first-hand to Abraham! But only Noah and his immediate family were to be saved in the ark, and so the others died during the 120 years.

As to Noah’s preaching during the 120 years (II Pet. 2:5), the Word of God does not say that he preached a failing divine love for all without exception or a common grace of God or that he “offered” salvation to those who witnessed the building of the ark. Scripture instructs us that he preached “righteousness,” that is, the righteousness of God which is the condemnation of the world, but which the Messiah merited and revealed, and is given through faith alone in Him. No doubt Noah preached the necessity of repentance towards God and faith in the coming seed of the woman (Gen. 3:15), but that is not common grace. It is simply the call of the blessed gospel.

Hebrews 11:7 bears this out: “By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.” The building of the ark was the condemnation of the world and only Noah was heir of the righteousness which he preached. I Peter 3:20 says that “the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing,” but the question is, for what was it waiting? Was it waiting for the possible salvation of everyone to whom Noah preached? Romans 9:22-23 is a loud “No” to that idea for the longsuffering of God only endures or puts up with “the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction,” while it waits to “make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory.” At that time, Noah and those of his family were those “vessels of mercy.”

There are a number of matters that we have not covered in this article, particularly the “size of the ark” argument (#2) and the Spirit’s “striving” (Gen. 6:3), an aspect of argument #3. Thus we will continue our discussion of Noah, the ark and an alleged common or general grace in the next issue, DV. Rev. Ron Hanko


Vessels of Wrath Fitted to Destruction

“What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction …?” (Rom. 9:22). A reader asks, “Are ‘the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction’ by themselves (as many advocates of a divine desire to save the reprobate claim) or by God?”

Of course, it is true that humans who perish eternally do fit themselves for their destruction by their unbelief and other sins. They themselves are morally responsible for their damnation; God is not to blame. Belgic Confession 13 declares, in the context of God’s almighty providential government even over evil, that He is not “the author of … sins.” But this ethical responsibility of lost sinners is not the teaching of Romans 9:22.

The text clearly teaches that Almighty God fits the vessels of wrath to destruction. First, the verb form is passive: they are fitted. Romans 9:22 does not state that the vessels fit themselves, actively, for destruction but that they are fitted by Another. As the first part of verse 22 indicates, this Other is “God,” who is “willing” (i.e., desiring) to show His wrath upon the vessels of wrath and to make His power known upon them.

Second, the thought of all of Romans 9 is the sovereignty of God in damnation, as well as in salvation. God hardens whom He wills or wishes or wants or desires (18). God is the omnipotent Potter who (actively) makes vessels “unto dishonour” (21). The thought of verse 22, in its close relation with verse 23, is that just as God prepares some humans unto glory so He fits others unto destruction.

How does God fit some to destruction? The fitting of verse 22 is not the eternal decree of reprobation itself, but an activity of God upon and within some humans that carries out the decree of reprobation. God has sovereignly reprobated some in the same predestinating decree in which He has elected others unto eternal life. This damnation is in the way of God’s fitting the reprobate for their destruction. This fitting consists of their condemnation and total depravity in the fall of Adam, God’s hardening of them by the preaching of the gospel and His giving them over to all their other sins.

Some who claim that Romans 9:22 teaches that the vessels of wrath fit themselves for destruction and who oppose the doctrine that God fits them profess to be Calvinists. I confront them, therefore, with Calvin’s own explanation of “the vessels of wrath” in Romans 9:22: “That they were ‘fitted to destruction’ by their own wickedness is an idea so silly that it needs no notice. It is indeed true that the reprobate procure to themselves the wrath of God and that they daily hasten the falling of its weight upon their own heads, but it must be confessed by all that the apostle is here treating of that difference made between the elect and the reprobate that proceeds from the secret will and purpose of God alone” (Calvin’s Calvinism [Jenison, MI: RFPA, 2009], p. 66).

Who are the genuine Calvinists? Those who reject and twist the apostle’s confession of God’s sovereignty in Romans 9:22, and outrightly contradict Calvin’s explanation of the text and hold a view which he calls “so silly,” or all those who faithfully confess Jehovah’s sovereignty and stand with Calvin on Romans 9:22? Prof. David J. Engelsma


Covenant Protestant Reformed Church
83 Clarence Street, Ballymena, BT43 5DR • Lord’s Day services at 11 am & 6 pm
Website: • Live broadcast:
Pastor: Angus Stewart, 7 Lislunnan Road, Kells, N. Ireland, BT42 3NR • (028) 25 891851  
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. • •

PRC and Sister-Church News Highlights for May 14, 2023 *(Updated)

Psalm 98 3Today, May 14, is the twentieth Lord's Day of this year of our Lord 2023. Below you will find special highlights of PRC and sister-church news. It is our hope that these reports not only inform you but also give you opportunity to pray for the needs of these churches and mission fields throughout the world.

If you are new to this website and the PRCA, we invite you to join us in worship today or on any of the Sunday's of this year at one of our local congregations near you, or listen online.

 O sing unto the LORD a new song; for he hath done marvellous things: his right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory. The LORD hath made known his salvation: his righteousness hath he openly shewed in the sight of the heathen. He hath remembered his mercy and his truth toward the house of Israel: all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.   ~ Psalm 98:1-3


Ascension Day Service: This week Thursday, May 18, the PR congregations will observe Ascension Day by gathering in worship to remember and reflect on the glorious going up to heaven of our living and victorious Savior Jesus Christ forty days after he rose from the dead. You are cordially invited to join us in worshiping the Lamb who is worthy of all honor and glory and blessing. Most services begin at 7 p.m. but check the website of the church near you.

  • Today Rev. J. Mahtani declined the call to Doon PRC.

  • Today Rev. A. Brummel declined the call to Hudsonville PRC.

  • Last Sunday Rev. M. DeBoer (Edgerton, MN PRC) declined the call to Georgetown PRC.

  • Last Sunday Rev. C. Spronk (Faith PRC, Jenison-MI) declined the call to Loveland (CO) PRC.

  • Rev. M. Kortus (Hope PRC-Redlands, CA) is considering the call to Lynden (WA) PRC (received April 23).

  • The Consistory of Hosanna PRC (Edmonton, AB) has formed a new trio of Revs. C. Spronk (Faith PRC), J. Mahtani (Hope PRC, GR), and M. Kortus (Hope PRC, Redlands). The congregational meeting is set for next Sunday after the PM service.

  • Randolph PRC's Council has a new trio from which the congregation will choose a pastor: Revs. M. Kortus (Hope PRC-Redlands, CA), J. Maatman (SE PRC-Grand Rapids, MI), and D. Noorman (SW PRC-Wyoming, MI). The congregational meeting is planned for May 21 following the morning worship service.

  • *New: Zion PRC's Council formed a trio to call a pastor: Revs A. Brummel (Calvary PRC-Hull, IA), M. DeBoer (Edgerton-MN PRC), and C. Spronk (Faith PRC-Jenison, MI). The date for the congregational meeting is set for Sunday, May 21 after the evening service.

Classical appointments and pulpit supply for today in the vacant PRCs: Prof. R. Cammenga in Doon (IA) PRC; Prof. C. Griess and Rev. C. Haak in Georgetown PRC; Rev. D. Noorman (2nd week) in Hosanna PRC, Edmonton, AB; Prof. B. Huizinga and Prof. R. Dykstra in Hudsonville PRC; Rev. J. Engelsma (2nd week) in Loveland PRC; Rev. J. Marcus (2nd week) in Lynden PRC; Rev. M. DeVries in Randolph PRC; Prof. B. Gritters and Rev. W. Langerak in Zion PRC.  May we count it a blessing of our church federation that we can help one another in these needs. Let us remember to pray for the men who supply these pulpits and for the vacant congregations. And may we continue to pray for men to hear the call to serve as pastors and missionaries!

Congregational Evangelism/Mission News

  • Byron Center PRC: BC PRC is hosting a community service on Ascension Day [May 18]. The evangelism committee will be arranging to print flyers for distribution and to host refreshments afterward. Please consider which friends or neighbors you might invite to join us that evening."
  • From Hudsonville PRC Evangelism Committee: "In Psalm 127 verses 4 and 5, David taught his son Solomon: “As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them.” As fletching helps an arrow fly straight and true to its target, so we hope this podcast will help to guide our young children and point them to Christ. Join us in bringing the Word of God into our homes and hearts, and subscribe now to our Reformed children’s podcast "Fletching". Look for the flyer in the next monthly newsletter with more information."


missions conf May 2023

Evangelism and Missions Conference: If you missed the DMC's conference earlier ths month, you may hear the speeches here:

Classis East met this past week in Faith PRC (Jenison, MI). The public report of this meeting has been posted on this webpage.

PRC 100th Anniversary: With gratitude to our faithful God, the PRCA look forward to our 100th anniversary. The celebration is planned for June 23-27, 2025, at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, MI.

CCHS CH visit May 12
On the final day of class this past Friday, May 12, the church history students from Covenant CHS visited the seminary as part of their annual local PRC history tour (see note below).

PRC Seminary Notices:

  • The PRT Seminary will enter its final week of the semester tomorrow, with the week of exams on the schedule. Continue to pray for faculty, students, and staff as we enter the final days of the semester. The second semester schedule and calendar are posted on the seminary's website. 
  • With joy the faculty of the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary announces that it has licensed student Aaron Van Dyke to speak a word of edification in the churches. We are grateful for the brother’s progress to this point in his training. All scheduling of Mr. Van Dyke must be done through the seminary, either by sending a request to the seminary secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or the rector, Prof. R. Cammenga (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). The brother is scheduled to lead his first service in First PRC-Holland, MI next Sunday.
  • Senior Seminarian Matt Koerner is preparing for his synodical exam at the PRC Synod that begins on June 13 at Southwest PRC. His graduation is scheduled for June 15 in that church. Sem. Arend Haveman will be doing his senior-year internship this summer and fall (July-December) in Pittsburgh PRC under Rev. W. Bruinsma. Details for that continue to be worked out.
  • This past Friday, May 12, the PRTS hosted the church history students (juniors) and teachers from Covenant Christian High School as special guests (see photo above). They joined faculty, students, and staff for a pizza lunch and then participated in four presentations on various aspects of the seminary and PRC history/archives. Their annual visit is always a highlight for the seminary.
  • The TSC has hired Ms. Valerie Kleyn to take over the secretary duties of Mrs. Sharon (Kleyn) Koerner. Valerie began training last week; Sharon's final day is planned for Friday, May 26. We thank the Lord for providing another qualified person to fill this important position at the seminary.
  • The Spring 2023 issue of the PR Theological Journal has been mailed out recently. Digital copies have been posted on the journal webpage (see link here). The Spring issue features articles on a distinctive feature of PRC teaching on the covenant of grace, on the image of God in man from a conference in Mexico, on R.L. Dabney's "proposals of mercy," and the first part of a history of Classis West of the PRC - and, of course, several significant book reviews.  If you want to be added to our mailing list (either print or digital) or wish to pick up a copy, contact Sharon, the seminary secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
  • The seminary is open daily from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., including the library and bookstore. PRC members and friends are welcome to visit and make use of these resources.
  • For the latest seminary news and information, visit the seminary's website - and don't forget the blog!

ephesians 4 3 2


  • Covenant ERC, Singapore and her Kolkata, India mission work:
    • Pastors J. Tan and M. Wee are faithfully serving the CERC. In her bulletin today is this special notice: "We gather together as the crown of God’s creation to praise our God this Lord’s Day. Psalm 148:1-2, 14: “Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye the LORD from the heavens: praise him in the heights. Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts. […] He also exalteth the horn of his people, the praise of all his saints; even of the children of Israel, a people near unto him. Praise ye the LORD.” God created us for the purpose of praising Him, so let us do so this day, as those who have been created and redeemed by Him."
    • There's a new issue of Salt Shakers out! Issue 69 is on the theme "GST: The Christian's Response." Especially for young people, the magazine contains a variety of articles and is edifying for ALL readers! Visit the link provided here to read and learn. 
  • Covenant PRC, N. Ireland:
    • Rev. A. Stewart continues to minister the Word faithfully to the saints in Ballymena.
    • The last newsletter of the CPRC was published last month - March 2023 which you will find on this page (rh column at the top). Read about the exciting work going on in the CPRC!
    • There's a new issue of Covenant Reformed News out! The April 2023 issue has been posted here.  Follow the link to read the latest profitable articles by Revs. A. Stewart (the salvation of Hagar and Ishmael) and R. Hanko (the double procession of the Spirit).
    • The CPRC YouTube channel may be found here.

  • PRC in the Philippines and her mission work in various places:
    • A March 2023 Newsletter has been published. Be sure to visit the linked page to learn about the latest news from the Philippines!
    • Berean PRC bulletin: Rev. V. Ibe led her services today. And, "Rev. Ibe and family are scheduled to visit the saints in All of Grace Protestant Reformed Fellowship (AGPRF), Gabaldon, NE., on May 6 & 7. Rev. Ibe will lead them in their worship service at 9 A.M., and study of the Church Order at 10:45 A.M., all the Lord willing."
    • Provident PRC bulletin: Rev. R. Smit led her services today. "Rev. D. Kleyn and Sis. Sharon are scheduled to visit the Bearers of Light Community Church in Guiguinto, Bulacan today with Elder Jun Armas, the Lord willing, in order to preach and teach there."

Reformed Resources for Education, Edification, and Evangelism

RWH Logo 2019
Listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday - on a radio station near you, on Sermonaudio, or on your favorite podcast - wherever you are!


  • This month the RWH begins a marriage series by Rev. C. Haak. Today's message is titled "God's Design for Marriage" based on Genesis 2:24. For the May RWH Newsletter, visit this page.
  • The Reformed Witness Hour publishes each month's messages in an attractive booklet. These printed sermons are a great blessing to many and are distributed all over the world, including to many prisoners in the U.S. If you or your Evangelism Committee would like to receive these, let the RWHC know and they will add you to the mailing list (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 

 Ascension Day 1
In this week in which we commemorate the glorious ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, we encourage you to read this fine article by Rev. J. Kortering - "Christ Entered into Heaven Itself."

  • Would you like to learn more about the doctrines and practices of the PRC? Or, are you in need of some pamphlets and/or articles published by the PRC for use in evangelism and/or witnessing? Or are you simply interested in growing in your faith and walk with the Lord? Visit the Resources pages of this website and the PRCA Evangelism page for a complete list of materials available in digital format or by order from the publishing church.

Reformed Book Outlet 2022 2

  • The Reformed Book Outlet (downtown Hudsonville, MI) ISnow operating in its new store in downtown Hudsonville! The new location is at 3472 Harvey St. in Hudsonville. Visit the store and browse the variety of resources for your Reformed-Christian faith and walk, including many children's titles. They are open Tuesday-Friday, 10-5, and Saturday 10-1.

  • Do you need some catechism materials for use in your church or family? The PRC publishes catechism materials on Bible history and Reformed doctrine, for children of all ages. Visit this page for more information.

This Week's Thought for Contemplation

"...Why did God create and why did God give marriage?  The answer is:  His own glory!  Marriage was given by God, as all things were made by God, for one purpose:  God’s glory.  He made all things for His own glory.  “For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things:  to whom be glory forever” (Rom. 11:36). 

But how is marriage for God’s glory?  The answer to that question is:  marriage is for God’s glory because marriage is the bond that displays God’s beautiful covenant.  In Genesis 2:24 God is speaking of a union:  a man shall be joined unto his wife and they two shall be one flesh.  A man shall cleave to his wife. 

What kind of relationship is this?  Is this a 50-50 relationship between a man and a woman?  Why are they to hold to one another?  Why can they not walk away from this?  Why cannot they go from spouse to spouse to spouse?  Why is adultery sin?  And why may not marriage be rooted in romance?  Why can you not fall in and out of love and fall in and out of marriage?  Why is marriage a lifelong bond?  Because marriage is given by God to point to something far deeper, something true about Himself.  It points to something more permanent, far more glorious!  It points to a sacred covenant that God makes with us His people in Jesus Christ.  Our marriages are sacred covenants.  They are commitments to weather the storms of life together because we are called in our marriage to reflect God and His commitment and covenant toward us. 

This becomes very plain in the apostle Paul’s words in Ephesians 5:31, 32.  In verse 31, as Paul has been speaking about marriage and the calling of a husband and a wife, he, too, quotes from Genesis 2:24:  “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.”  And then in verse 32 he adds:  “This is a great mystery [what I have been talking about—this joining of a man and a woman]:  but I speak concerning Christ and the church.”  Now that is the most staggering and profound thing that could ever be said about marriage.  In other words, marriage is patterned after Christ’s commitment to His church.  When God created man in the beginning as male and female and brought them into a union called marriage, He was patterning that after Christ and His bride, the church—not the other way around.  God did not first make marriage and then say, “Well, hm-m-m, how illuminating it would be if I would pattern My relationship in Christ toward My people after this marriage.  I’ll pattern Christ and the church after what I have done here in the beginning.”  No!  That is not the way it is!  But God said, “It was first Christ and the church.  It is first Me, in My love to My elect in Jesus Christ.  That is first.  And now I’ll make marriage to display that.” 

It was first Christ (Rev. 13:8), who was slain from the foundation of the world.  It was first God’s eternal grace flowing through Jesus Christ unto His elect, before there was an Adam, before there was an Eve.  And, in His own heart, because this is who He is (He is faithful, He is a God of covenant faithfulness), He designed marriage after the very relationship that abides in His eternal breast and heart toward us in Christ.

So, your marriage exists for the glory of God.  Do you know why God gave you a wife?  Do you know why God gave you a husband?  To display to the world the truth about the faithful love of God.  That is why.  God brings us together not first of all for ourselves.  Of course we enjoy blessings from the hand of our God and Creator.  But God brought us together, first of all, to display His Son’s grace and love to His church.  God called us together in this bond of marriage in order that He might display Christ’s sacrificing for His bride, in order that He might display His own precious love, in order that He might show that Christ loves with a forgiving love and never forsakes His own bride.  The highest purpose for marriage is to put the covenant relationship of Christ and the church on display before the world, so that others may see it in concrete terms and reality. 

Taken from the radio message "God's Design for Marriage" by Rev. C. Haak


Report of Classis East Meeting - May 10-11, 2023

Faith PRC 2021

May 2023 Classis East Report

Classis East convened Wednesday May 10, 2023 at Faith PRC in Jenison, MI. Rev. McGeown served as chairman. Eight elders served at classis for the first time and signed the Formula of Subscription, a vow to uphold the teaching of Scripture summarized in the Reformed Confessions.

The routine matters treated by classis included approving the work of its Stated Clerk and Classical Committee (this committee does work on behalf of classis when classis is not in session). A schedule for classical appointments for Georgetown, Hudsonville, and Zion PRCs was adopted. The expenses for the meeting of $3,065 were approved.

Classis appointed two moderators for churches that currently do not have pastors, Rev. McGeown for Zion, and Prof. Dykstra for Georgetown.

One consistory requested the advice of classis regarding a discipline case. The elders representing the consistory summarized the work done with a member walking impenitently in sin. Classis advised the consistory to proceed in its work of discipline and announce the name of the impenitent member to the congregation (Article 77 of the Church Order). This matter was treated in closed session.

Classis treated one appeal of an individual against a consistory regarding a sensitive matter in closed session. Classis upheld the appeal and directed a previously appointed special committee of classis to continue to assist the consistory in working with the individual.

Classis treated seven protests against a decision taken in March not to approve of the overture of Providence PRC, which overture proposes that synod hire an independent third party to investigate the incidents of child sexual abuse in the PRCA. In January of 2023 classis appointed a committee to look further into certain matters and bring a recommendation to classis in March. The committee was divided and presented a majority and minority report. Classis adopted the majority report that recommended that classis not approve the overture. Two of the seven protests contended that classis should have rejected the majority report and declared that it did not fulfill the mandate given to it by classis in January. Classis did not sustain the protests on this point. Six of the protests argued that the four grounds of the majority report adopted by classis were erroneous. Classis sustained these protests. Classis then approved a recommendation to “inform synod that it erred in adopting the four grounds of the majority report and forward the…decision to Synod 2023.” Classis did not treat requests to approve the overture of Providence PRC since the overture has been submitted for the consideration of synod in June. A motion to acknowledge and apologize for any harm done to victims of abuse and their families caused by the March decision failed.

Trinity PRC will host the next meeting of Classis East on September 13, 2023.

Pastor Clayton Spronk

Stated Clerk, Classis East

For the full public Minutes and Supplements, visit this link:

Minutes and Supplements for Publication 2023.5.10.pdf

PRC and Sister-Church News Highlights for May 7, 2023

Psalm 97 12 2Today, May 7, is the nineteenth Lord's Day of this year of our Lord 2023. Below you will find special highlights of PRC and sister-church news. It is our hope that these reports not only inform you but also give you opportunity to pray for the needs of these churches and mission fields throughout the world.

If you are new to this website and the PRCA, we invite you to join us in worship today or on any of the Sunday's of this year at one of our local congregations near you, or listen online.

The LORD reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof. Clouds and darkness are round about him: righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne. ...The heavens declare his righteousness, and all the people see his glory. ...Zion heard, and was glad; and the daughters of Judah rejoiced because of thy judgments, O LORD.Zion heard, and was glad; and the daughters of Judah rejoiced because of thy judgments, O LORD. ...Rejoice in the LORD, ye righteous; and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness. ~ Psalm 97:1,2,6,8,9,12


  • This morning Rev. J. Holstege was installed as the eleventh pastor in First PRC's history (Grand Rapids, MI). Prof. C. Griess led the service and Rev. Holstege preached his inaugural sermon in the evening. We pray that the Lord will grant him a faithful and fruitful ministry in this congregation.

  • Today Rev. M. DeBoer (Edgerton, MN PRC) declined the call to Georgetown PRC.

  • Today Rev. C. Spronk (Faith PRC, Jenison-MI) declined the call to Loveland (CO) PRC.

  • Randolph PRC's Council has a new trio from which the congregation will choose a pastor: Revs. M. Kortus (Hope PRC-Redlands, CA), J. Maatman (SE PRC-Grand Rapids, MI), and D. Noorman (SW PRC-Wyoming, MI). The congregational meeting is planned for May 21 following the morning worship service.

  • Rev. J. Mahtani (Hope PRC-Walker, MI) is considering the call to Doon (IA) PRC (received April 23). He plans to answer by May 14.

  • Rev. A. Brummel (Calvary PRC-Hull, IA) is considering the call to Hudsonville PRC (received April 23). He plans to answer by May 14.

  • Rev. M. Kortus (Hope PRC-Redlands, CA) is considering the call to Lynden (WA) PRC (received April 23).

Classical appointments and pulpit supply for today in the vacant PRCs: Rev. S. Key in Doon (IA) PRC; Prof. B. Huizinga and Prof. R. Cammenga in Georgetown PRC; Rev. T. Miersma in Hosanna PRC, Edmonton, AB; Prof. B. Gritters and Rev. C. Spronk in Hudsonville PRC; Rev. J. Engelsma (1st week) in Loveland PRC; Rev. J. Marcus (1st week) in Lynden PRC; Elder-led in Randolph PRC; Prof. R. Cammenga and Rev. W. Langerak in Zion PRC.  May we count it a blessing of our church federation that we can help one another in these needs. Let us remember to pray for the men who supply these pulpits and for the vacant congregations. And may we continue to pray for men to hear the call to serve as pastors and missionaries!

Congregational Evangelism/Mission News

  • Hope PR Ministry Podcast - "Daily recordings of archived Beacon Lights devotionals from “Watching Daily at My Gates” continue to be added to our podcast. This past month we began posting Rev. Mahtani’s series of sermons on the book of Philippians and lectures by Prof. Hanko on the biblical doctrine of suffering. These will both continue into the coming month. ...Please continue to follow Hope PR Ministry and share the podcast with your friends and acquaintances."
  • Byron Center PRC: "The Community Bible Study plans to meet this Thursday to continue discussion of John 19:14 and following. Join us at 7:30 p.m. on May 11 at church for a discussion of Jesus in the hands of wicked men and God's purpose for it. Hope you can come!"
  • Byron Center PRC: "Plans are underway to host a community service on Ascension Day [May 18]. The evangelism committee will be arranging to print flyers for distribution and to host refreshments afterward. Please consider which friends or neighbors you might invite to join us that evening."
  • Save the date - October 27 at Southwest PRC (Wyoming, MI): Rev. James Laning will speak on the work of evangelism in the local congregations. More information to follow.


missions conf May 2023

Evangelism and Missions Conference: If you missed the DMC's conference this past weekend, you may hear the speeches here:

Classis East will meet this Wednesday, May 10, in Faith PRC (Jenison, MI) beginning at 8 a.m. Most of the agenda involves matters relating to sexual abuse. May God give the delegates wisdom to make decisions that please Jesus the King of the church and are for the wellbeing of the churches.

PRC 100th Anniversary: With gratitude to our faithful God, the PRCA look forward to our 100th anniversary. The celebration is planned for June 23-27, 2025, at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, MI.

PRC Minister/Teacher Scholarship Fund: Information for the 2023 PR Scholarship Fund essay competition is now available. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to receive the essay topics and submission requirements. Completed essays must be submitted by this Friday, May 12. 

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PRC Seminary Notices:

  • The PRT Seminary will enter its fifteenth and final week of classes tomorrow, with the week of exams to follow. Continue to pray for faculty, students, and staff as we enter the final days of the semester. The last day of classes is May 12, with exams scheduled for May 15-19. The second semester schedule and calendar are posted on the seminary's website. 
  • Matt Koerner will be in charge of the daily devotions this week, another "last time" in his seminary career.
  • With joy the faculty of the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary announces that it has licensed student Aaron Van Dyke to speak a word of edification in the churches. We are grateful for the brother’s progress to this point in his training. All scheduling of Mr. Van Dyke must be done through the seminary, either by sending a request to the seminary secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or the rector, Prof. R. Cammenga (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
  • Sem. Arend Haveman will be doing his senior-year internship this summer and fall (July-December) in Pittsburgh PRC under Rev. W. Bruinsma. Details for that continue to be worked out.
  • This Friday, May 12, the PRTS will have the church history students (juniors) and teachers from Covenant Christian High School as special guests. They will join faculty, students, and staff for lunch and have four presentations on various aspects of the seminary and PRC history/archives. Their annual visit is always a highlight for the seminary.
  • The TSC has hired Ms. Valerie Kleyn to take over the secretary duties of Mrs. Sharon (Kleyn) Koerner. Valerie will begin training on May 8, with Sharon's final day planned for Friday, May 26. We thank the Lord for providing another qualified person to fill this important position at the seminary.
  • The Spring 2023 issue of the PR Theological Journal has been mailed out recently. Digital copies have been posted on the journal webpage (see link here). The Spring issue features articles on a distinctive feature of PRC teaching on the covenant of grace, on the image of God in man from a conference in Mexico, on R.L. Dabney's "proposals of mercy," and the first part of a history of Classis West of the PRC - and, of course, several significant book reviews.  If you want to be added to our mailing list (either print or digital) or wish to pick up a copy, contact Sharon, the seminary secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
  • The seminary is open daily from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., including the library and bookstore. PRC members and friends are welcome to visit and make use of these resources.
  • For the latest seminary news and information, visit the seminary's website - and don't forget the blog!

CPRC News Header


  • Covenant ERC, Singapore and her Kolkata, India mission work:
    • Pastors J. Tan and M. Wee are faithfully serving the CERC. In her bulletin today is this special notice: "The men's fellowship has been doing book discussions after morning worship. This Sunday, Bro Suan Kiat is chairing from the book Called to Watch for Christ's Return by Martyn McGeown, Chapter 18, The Final Judgment of the Sheep and Goats."
    • There's a new issue of Salt Shakers out! Issue 69 is on the theme "GST: The Christian's Response." Especially for young people, the magazine contains a variety of articles and is edifying for ALL readers! Visit the link provided here to read and learn. 
  • Covenant PRC, N. Ireland:
    • Rev. A. Stewart continues to minister the Word faithfully to the saints in Ballymena.
    • The last newsletter of the CPRC was published last month - March 2023 which you will find on this page (rh column at the top). Read about the exciting work going on in the CPRC!
    • There's a new issue of Covenant Reformed News out! The April 2023 issue has been posted here.  Follow the link to read the latest profitable articles by Revs. A. Stewart (the salvation of Hagar and Ishmael) and R. Hanko (the double procession of the Spirit).
    • The CPRC YouTube channel may be found here.

  • PRC in the Philippines and her mission work in various places:
    • A March 2023 Newsletter has been published. Be sure to visit the linked page to learn about the latest news from the Philippines!
    • Berean PRC bulletin: Rev. R. Smit led her services today. And, "Rev. Ibe and family are scheduled to visit the saints in All of Grace Protestant Reformed Fellowship (AGPRF), Gabaldon, NE., on May 6 & 7. Rev. Ibe will lead them in their worship service at 9 A.M., and study of the Church Order at 10:45 A.M., all the Lord willing."
    • Provident PRC bulletin: Rev. D. Kleyn led her services today.

Reformed Resources for Education, Edification, and Evangelism

RWH Logo 2019
Listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday - on a radio station near you, on Sermonaudio, or on your favorite podcast - wherever you are!


  • This month the RWH begins a marriage series by Rev. C. Haak. Today's message is titled "Marriage Is Given by God" based on Genesis 2:18-24. For the May RWH Newsletter, visit this page.
  • The Reformed Witness Hour publishes each month's messages in an attractive booklet. These printed sermons are a great blessing to many and are distributed all over the world, including to many prisoners in the U.S. If you or your Evangelism Committee would like to receive these, let the RWHC know and they will add you to the mailing list (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 
This month only, get your copies of Bound to Join and A Defense of the Church Institute by David Engelsma for $9.99 each, or $18 for the set! Order both today and save on shipping by clicking the picture below or the "Monthly Sales" button on the RFPA website homepage!

In the form of letters to an inquiring (though not always appreciative) European audience, Bound to Join addresses the issue of church membership in the twenty-first century.  This instruction is applicable to all believers and is based on scripture, the Belgic Confession, and the important, but little-known, controversy of John Calvin with the Nicodemites.

A Defense is a companion volume to Bound to Join, answering those critics of the book, defending the doctrine of church membership, and demonstrating that love for the universal, invisible church invariably expresses itself by love for the manifestation of this church in the church institute. This book also examines the "house church" movement and the claim by such men as Harold Camping that the church age has ended.


  • Would you like to learn more about the doctrines and practices of the PRC? Or, are you in need of some pamphlets and/or articles published by the PRC for use in evangelism and/or witnessing? Or are you simply interested in growing in your faith and walk with the Lord? Visit the Resources pages of this website and the PRCA Evangelism page for a complete list of materials available in digital format or by order from the publishing church.

Reformed Book Outlet 2022 2

  • The Reformed Book Outlet (downtown Hudsonville, MI) ISnow operating in its new store in downtown Hudsonville! The new location is at 3472 Harvey St. in Hudsonville. Visit the store and browse the variety of resources for your Reformed-Christian faith and walk, including many children's titles. They are open Tuesday-Friday, 10-5, and Saturday 10-1.

  • Do you need some catechism materials for use in your church or family? The PRC publishes catechism materials on Bible history and Reformed doctrine, for children of all ages. Visit this page for more information.

This Week's Thought for Contemplation

"Revile is an ugly biblical word, and one we hardly use. The sin it describes, however, occurs far too frequently in our covenant conversations, marriages, homes, schools, and churches. And the words we use—name-calling, trash-talking, teasing, kidding, losing our cool, bullying or even verbal abuse—all minimize the despicable, destructive, malicious, and vicious nature of reviling. And often, then, so does any medicine we prescribe. Rather than treat the reviler’s stone-cold heart, we instead patch up the bruised and bloodied victim with the three T’s, “take it, turn the other cheek, and tough it out,” which in covenant relationships are the spiritual equivalent of “be warm and be full” (James 2:16). And so the vile murder continues.

"...Certainly, a child of God can fall into this sin. He has a depraved heart too. But he will not and may not let it characterize his life. Not if he loves Christ, who was reviled to forgive the repentant reviler (the thief on the cross comes to mind); and not if he has the mind of Christ, who when He was reviled, reviled not again but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously (I Pet. 2:23). And Christ never reviles those He loves. And neither may we. Yes, as Christians, we may expect to be reviled for His sake. As Christians, being reviled, we must bless; and being persecuted, we must suffer it, likewise committing our souls to the righteous Judge (I Cor. 4:12). But woe unto him who reviles even one little one whom Christ loves and for whom He died. If so, repent. Say, “I’m so sorry.” Pray for forgiveness. And revile not again. For Christ’s sake."

Taken from the word study "Revile" by Rev. W. Langerak


Reformed Witness Hour - May 2023

RWH Logo 2019


May 2023

May 7

Marriage is Given by God

Genesis 2:18-24

Rev. C. Haak

May 14

God’s Design for Marriage

Genesis 2:24

Rev. C. Haak

Mary 21

The Rule of Conduct for Marriage

Colossians 3:12-13

Rev. C. Haak

May 28

The Dress Code for Marriage

Colossians 3:12-13

Rev. C. Haak



In May, we will begin a series on marriage by Rev. C. Haak. Rev. Haak is a retired minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches.


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Classical Officers

Classis East
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Classis West
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