
PR Churches (USA & Canada)

PRC News Update Concerning Ministers and Calls - August 21, 2016

Jer3 15 pastorsA few PRC news updates may be provided today, all relating to ministers of the Word and the calling of ministers:

Rev. W. (Bill) Bruinsma was installed as Pittsburgh PRC's first pastor today (though he has served them for many years as missionary), with Rev. Ken Koole officiating. We rejoice with this sister congregation in God's good provision of a pastor, and pray for God's rich blessing on them as they continue to grow together under the ministry of the Word.

Rev. Cory Griess asked (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA) for a one-week extension on the answering the call from Doon PRC to serve as third missionary to the Philippines. Let us remember this pastor and his family in prayer as he weighs this call from the Lord of the harvest.

The Council of First PRC, Holland, MI has formed a trio made up of Rev. Allen Brummel (Heritage PRC, Sioux Falls, SD), Rev. Brian Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA), and Rev. Rodney Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC, Spokane, WA). There will be a special congregational meeting after the morning service next week Sunday, August 28, with the purpose of calling one of these men.


RWH 75th Celebration and Mission Awareness Morning, August 13, 2016 (New Pics Added!)

On Saturday, August 13, 2016 at Georgetown PRC in Hudsonville, MI the 75th anniversary celebration of the Reformed Witness Hour and a Mission Awareness morning were held.

All three of our RWH radio speakers were present and gave presentations - Rev.R. Kleyn the keynote address, Rev.W. Bruinsma on the Pittsburgh mission and Eastern home missions, and Rev.C. Haak on GT PRC's work in India. Plus Rev.D. Holstege gave one on the Philippines.

It was a wonderful morning celebrating God's faithfulness and grace toward our radio program and mission work. Below are some pictures taken at the event.

Flyer Mission Awareness Morning Page 1



RWH 75th 1

RWH 75th 2
Rev.Rodney Kleyn giving key-note address - "Your Labor is Not in Vain in the Lord."

"RWH 75th 3

RWH 75th 4
Rev. Daniel Holstege presenting on the work in the Philippines.

RWH75th 6
Rev. Carl Haak explaining Georgetown PRC's work in Vellore, India.

RWH 75th 7
Rev. Haak taking questions from the audience.

 RWH 75th 5 4presenters
The four presenters for the RWH 75th anniversary program: (l-r) - Revs. D. Holstege, R. Kleyn, W. Bruinsma, C. Haak.

And our RWH displays giving the history and work of this Reformed ministry:

RWH 75th 8
RWH 75th 9




Reformed Witness Hour Messages for August 2016

First PRC of Grand Rapids, MI and the Reformed Witness Hour Committee announce the messages scheduled for August 2016 on the RWH radio program.

haak smallRev. Carl Haak, pastor of Georgetown PRC (Hudsonville, MI) continues his four-month service for the RWH program.

You are encouraged to take in these important messages and to let others know about them too. Help spread the word about the Reformed Witness Hour, celebrating in 2016 its 75th year of broadcasting the truths of God's sovereign, particular grace!

Below is the schedule of messages, which you will also find below in flyer form and attached in pdf form.

August 7, 2016 – The True Christian Life, 2 Timothy 4:7-8

August 14, 2016 – True Faith, John 3:36

August 21, 2016 – The Creation, Genesis 1:1

August 28, 2016 – Christian Education is Covenant Education, Isaiah 39:19

August 2016 flyer Page 1


Doon PRC Calls Rev. C.Griess for 3rd Misisonary to the Philippines

RevCGriessAt her congregational meeting on Sunday morning, July 24, 2016, Doon PRC voted to extend a call to Rev. C. Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA) to serve as third missionary to the Philippines.

This call follows the decision of the 2016 PRC Synod, to call a third missionary in the Philippines with the view to one of the missionaries devoting time to investigate the possibility of setting up a theological school in the Philippines.

Let us pray for this servant of the Lord as he considers this new call, the call to First PRC of Holland, and the call of his current charge in Calvary.


First PRC Holland Votes to Call Rev.C. Griess - July 17, 2016

HollandThe Council of First PRC (Holland, MI) has announced a new trio from which the congregation will call on Sunday, July 17, 2016.

The trio consists of Rev. Cory Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA), Rev. Allen Brummel (Heritage PRC, Sioux Falls, SD), and Rev. Rodney Kleyn (Covenant of Grace, Spokane, WA).

*UPDATE: At the congregational meeting held Sunday evening, July 17, the members voted to extend a call to Rev.C. Griess.



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