
PRC Weekly Congregational and Mission News - May 21, 2017 *(Updated)

Nahum1 7On this third Lord's Day of May 2017 (May 21) we may call your attention to the following news and information from PRC congregations and mission fields:


  • Rev. C. Haak is considering the call from First PRC, Holland MI (received April 30). UPDATE: He asked for an extension and now plans to answer on May 28.
  • On May 14 Rev. G. Eriks (Hudsonville PRC) declined the call from Zion PRC.
  • The Council of Southwest PRC has formed a new trio from which to call a pastor: 

    Rev. A. Brummel (Heritage PRC, Sioux Falls, SD), Rev. N. Decker (Trinity PRC, Hudsonville), and Rev. J. Mahtani (Cornerstone, Dyer, IN).  A special congregational meeting has been scheduled for Sunday, May 21, immediately following the evening worship service. *UPDATE: Rev. N. Decker has received this call.

  • From Immanuel PRC in Lacombe, AB we find this note: In the light of Rev. Miersma’s impending emeritation, the consistory comes to the congregation with the following trio: Rev. Allen Brummel, Rev. Cory Griess, and Rev. Martin Vander Wal. The congregation will vote next Sunday, May 28 after the afternoon service.

  • From several PRC bulletins we may give this update on Rev. Ron Hanko, pastor of Lynden, WA PRC (this is quoted from Covenant of Grace PRC's bulletin): Rev. R. Hanko continues to recover in Swedish Hospital, Seattle. His recovery this week has gone quite well and he is expected to be able to return home some time this coming week.


  • Rev. C. Haak continues to consider the call from Byron Center PRC to serve as a home missionary. He plans to answer by May 28.
  • On May 14 the congregation of Doon PRC voted to extend a call to Rev. H. Bleyenberg to serve as a third missionary to the Philippines.
  • From the Provident Christian Church and Maranatha PRC bulletins for today we find the following notes concerning our missionaries and their labors today and in this coming week:
    • Provident CC: Rev. Holstege will preach for us in both services today. Rev. Kleyn will preach for the Maranatha PRC. Next Sunday, May 28, Rev. Kleyn plans to preach for PCC and Rev. Holstege at Maranatha.
    • The 7M pastors’ classes will meet this Tuesday, May 23, at Maranatha PRC in Valenzuela.
    • The Wednesday night Bible study will meet this week, May 24, at 7:30 pm. Rev. Holstege will begin Heads 3/4 of the Canons of Dordt.
    • Maranatha PRC: Today, Rev. D. Kleyn will lead our First and Second services. The study of the Church Order will be immediately after the 2nd worship service — Articles 53-55, the Lord willing. The regular monthly consistory meeting will be held this afternoon.
  • The delegation of Rev. Jim Laning and elder John Van Baren (along with their wives) have now completed their labors in Myanmar and have returned safely to the States this past week. If you missed the daily reports of elder Van Baren, you can still read them on the bulletins page. Select “Mission Stations” and click on “Myanmar Memoirs” for the updates. Look for the picture links too (below are two from one of the many seminars held).

 May 2017 seminar 4
Group gathered for one of the seminars on the Reformed doctrine of the church.

RevLaning Titus seminar 2017
Rev. J. Laning and Rev. Titus answering questions after a seminar of the Reformed doctrine of the church.



Last modified on 22 May 2017

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