
PRC Weekly Congregational, Denominational, and Sister-Church News - November 12, 2017

Psalms 91 2On this second Lord's Day of November 2017 (Nov.12) we note the following news and information concerning PRC congregations, mission fields, and sister churches.


  • On Nov.5 Rev. J. Engelsma (Doon PRC) received the call from  SW PRC (Wyoming, MI).
  • Rev. B. Huizinga (Hope PRC (Redlands, CA) is considering the call from First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI (received Oct.29).
  • Cand.J. Langerak is supplying our Lynden PRC for a few weeks, until the examination and ordination of pastor-elect S. Regnerus.


  • The delegation of Rev. R. Smit and D. Kregel are concluding their trip to the Philippines and to the Covenant ERC in Singapore today and plan to return home this week.
  • Rev. G. Eriks and Rev. K. Koole will be attending the meeting of NAPARC (North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council) Tuesday through Thursday in Grand Rapids, on behalf of the Contact Committee of our churches.

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  • Are you a Standard Bearer subscriber and an RFPA Book Club member? If not, isn't it time you became one? Visit the Reformed Free Publishing Association website for more information on having and reading solid Reformed literature in your home.
  • INTERVIEW:  Prof. David Engelsma will be interviewed by Christopher Arnzen on his radio program “Iron Sharpens Iron” this Friday, November 17, 4-6 pm EST. He will also be interviewed on Monday, November 27, 4-6 pm EST. The subject for both of these interviews will be his recent book, The Gospel Truth Of Justification, and they will build on Mr. Arnzen’s previous interview of Professor Engelsma this past September.  Go to and click on the livestream box to tune in and listen from any device. The program can also be listened to by phone at (563)999-9206; press #3 for Christian Radio when prompted.
  • Reformed Book Outlet: November special: RBO has a special offer for the month of November. When you purchase $35.00 worth of goods, before tax, you can pick out a free Protestant Reformed Psalm Singing Choir CD. We carry all 19 volumes of these CDs (the earlier ones are called Fitting Praises).

  • NEW Psalter CD Available! The Covenant Christian High School Choirs (Grand Rapids, MI) have recently recorded their 3rd Psalm CD "Teach Me to Pray", which will be available in time for Christmas! Watch for a sign-up sheet at your church or contact the school office.

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  • Don't forget to listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday! Todays' message by radio pastor Rev. W. Bruinsma is titled "Abounding in Love (2)," based on 1 Thess.3:11-13.
    • NEW RWH Station - The Cornerstone PRC Word and Deed committee has partnered with the Reformed Witness Hour to air their messages on the radio in the Chicago area. Beginning today, September 10, the broadcast can be heard every Sunday at 4:00PM on WYLL 1160AM or on the internet at Please tune in and encourage others to do so as opportunity arises in your personal witnessing.


  • From Byron Center PRC comes this note re the labors of her (and our!) home missionary, Rev. A. Spriensma: Our home missionary will be going to Franklin, PA this coming Wednesday to spend a week trying to make contacts there and preaching for the group on Sunday.

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  • HOPE PRC’S REFORMED WITNESS COMMITTEE invites you to Covenant CHS this Sunday, November 12, at 8:00 pm to attend an informative program concerning Hope’s work in Myanmar with the PRC of Yangon, Myanmar. Rev. Titus Sanceuluai, pastor of the church in Myanmar, along with his wife Certi, will be part of the program. This will be a great way to learn more about the work there, the fellow saints in Myanmar, and get to know Rev. Titus and Certi personally. We look forward to seeing you there.
  • INDIA: A delegation of Rev. Ron and Sue VanOverloop and Rick and Ronda Wieringa will be sent by Georgetown PRC this Wednesday to visit the PRC of Vellore, India for three weeks (Nov. 15-Dec. 4). Pastor VanOverloop will be preaching in both the Tamil and English congregations, assisting in the training of Pastors in the Sola Gratia Program, holding seminars on Reformed Doctrine, speaking at a retreat for Doctors and medical students of the CMC of Vellore, and preaching in area village outreaches. The delegation plans to conduct Church Visitation with the VPRC while there, participate in congregational Bible Studies, and visit with many of the members of the VPRC in their homes. Pray for the Lord’s blessing.
  • On Oct.1 Rev. R. Smit (First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI) ACCEPTED the call of Doon PRC to serve as a third missionary to the Philippines. According to Doon's bulletin "[Rev. Smit] will be installed as our missionary on November 26. The Smits plan to move to the Philippines on December 25. All this, the Lord willing."We give thanks to the Lord of the harvest for providing this next foreign missionary for this abundant field of labor.

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The newly declared PRCP mission in Albuera, Leyte (July, 2017)

  • From the Nov.12 bulletins of Provident Christian Church in Marikina, the Philippines, the Maranatha PRC in Valenzuela, and the Berean PRC in Manila we find the following notes concerning their pastors as well as concerning our missionaries and their labors today and in this coming week:
    • Provident CC:

      • Rev. Holstege will preach both times today. Rev.Kleyn will be in Maranatha PRC today. Next Sunday, Lord willing, Rev. Holstege and Rev. Kleyn will each preach once here at PCC.

      • Listen again or for the first time to the speeches from the Reformation 500th Anniversary Conference at

    • Maranatha PRC: Today, our Missionary, Rev. D. Kleyn will lead our first and second services after the Second Service he will continue the Lesson 74 of the Church Order.
    • Berean PRC:

      • Our pastor [V.Ibe] is also scheduled to preach at Kerusso Community church in Tondo at 3PM today and will lead them in their study of the Essentials of Reformed doctrine at 5:30 PM, the Lord willing.

      • Our pastor and Elder Peñaverde rescheduled their visit with the saints in Sitio Karugang, Gabaldon NE on Friday (Nov. 17, 2017). Rev. Ibe will lead them in their study of the Essentials of Reformed doctrine on lesson #16, D.V.
      • The Classis of the PRCP convened on Wednesday [Nov.1]; the two important matters at classis were:1) The presence of and meetings of the delegation of the Contact Committee of the PRCA (Rev. R. Smit and Mr. David Kregel), and 2) Classis declaring the PRFA (Protestant Reformed Fellowship in Albuera, Leyte) as an official mission work of the PRCP. In view of the same, PRC in Bulacan was appointed as the calling church for PRFA and thus instructed by the Classis to arrange and to send a monthly delegation, pending the availability of the funds through special collections that all our PRCP congregations have been asked to take for mission work.

  • Let's remember these busy pastors and missionaries in the Philippines in our prayers daily. May the Lord of the harvest give them grace for all their labors.







Last modified on 12 November 2017

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