
January 2014 Newsletter from Our Sister Church in N.Ireland

Covenant PRC in Ballymena, N.Ireland has published their latest newsletter, the January 2014 edition. Once again pastor Angus Stewart fills this report with many interesting and exciting news items on this congregation's labors in the British Isles. We imbed it here (see below) for you to read, but you may also find it attached in pdf form, as well as on the sister church page. Take the time to read through this newsletter; you will be inspired to support in prayer this energetic pastor and flock.

Gartmore House-Scotland-2014 BRFConfSpecial mention should also be made of the upcoming British Reformed Fellowship Conference. This is the advertisement we received from the BRF for those in the U.S.:

Join Reformed believers from around the world at the British Reformed Fellowship family conference in Scotland, Saturday July 26 - Saturday August 2, 2014. Profs. Engelsma and Hanko will be speaking on the vital subject of "Be Ye Holy: The Reformed Truth of Sanctification." For travel information and booking forms, see the conference website ( or contact Cyndi Kalsbeek (1-616-724-4290; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Kristin Crossett (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


In this connection we may also mention that the official, annual visit of the PRC to this sister church through our Contact Committee will take place in the next week. Here's the notice we have received from the "CC":

Rev. Gary Eriks and Mr. Sid Miedema, representing the Contact Committee of our churches, will be visiting our sister-church in N.Ireland and their mission in Limerick from January 23 to February 4.  This is an annual visit to conduct church visitation with the consistory of the Covenant PRC in NI and to strengthen our relationship together.  The denomination is asked to pray that God would use the trip for the furtherance of the truth which unites our denominations.

Shall we be sure to do this?

CPRCNI-Newsletter-Jan2014 Page 1CPRCNI-Newsletter-Jan2014 Page 2

Last modified on 18 January 2014

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