
Covenant Reformed News - August Issue

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Covenant PRC, our sister church in Ballymena, N.Ireland has recently published her August issue of "Covenant Reformed News". This issues contains edifying articles on "Hating Your Own Life" and "Is Grace Resistible", written by Rev.Angus Stewart, pastor of Covenant PRC, and emeritus Professor H.Hanko respectively.

You are encouraged to make these part of your regular reading, so that you may grow spiritually in the truths of God's Word and the Reformed faith.

The articles are posted separately on our website and are listed here along with the link to it:

"Hating Your Own Life" (1) - Rev.A.Stewart

"Is Grace Resistible? (2) - Prof.H.Hanko

This issue of the "CR News" is also attached here in pdf form.

In addition, below you will find information on obtaining and watching (videos) the speeches given at the recent British Reformed Fellowship Conference on the subject of sanctification.

2014 BRF Family Conference Box Set
“Be Ye Holy: The Reformed Doctrine of Sanctification”

9  lectures and 2 sermons plus a bonus disk
on 12 CDs or DVDs in an attractive box set
(1) Zealous of Good Works - Rev. McGeown
(2) The Calling to Work Out Our Own Salvation - Prof. Hanko
(3) Only the Holy Shall Inherit the Kingdom - Prof. Engelsma
(4) John Knox: Scotland’s Reformer - Rev. Stewart
(5) The Divine Work of Sanctification - Prof. Engelsma
(6) Sanctification and Justification: Relation and Difference - Prof. Hanko
(7) The Role of the Law in Sanctification - Prof. Engelsma
(8) A Scottish Classic on Sanctification: James Fraser of Alness’
“Explication” of Romans 6:1-8:4 - Rev. Stewart
(9) The Imperfection of Sanctification in This Life - Prof. Hanko
(10) “A Faire and Easie Way to Heaven:” The Threat to
Sanctification of Antinomianism - Prof. Engelsma
(11) The Victorious Christian Life - Prof. Hanko
Bonus Disk: Author Interviews with Profs. Hanko and Engelsma
£12/set (inc. P&P)

Watch free on YouTube or
Send orders to:  CPRC Bookstore, c/o Mary Stewart,
7 Lislunnan Road, Kells, Ballymena, BT42 3NR
Phone: (028) 25891851 ~ E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make cheques payable to “Covenant Protestant Reformed Church” (not just “CPRC”). Thank you!

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