

Reformed Book Outlet (Hudsonville, MI) - November Newsletter

ReformedBookOutletThe Reformed Book Outlet in Hudsonville, MI has published its November 2015 Newsletter, which includes notice of special music CDs available, in stock and in time for holiday gift-giving. See below for the details!

Of course, at the "RBO" you will also find plenty of sound Reformed books and other good Christian resources to help you grow spiritually and to help others do so through your gift-giving.

Read the RBO newsletter below (also attached in pdf form),check out their website (also to check on business hours),visit the bookstore, and benefit from the good Reformed literature, music, cards, and other resources available.

RBO Newsletter Nov 2015 Page 1


Mission News: New Trio for Missionary to the Philippines; Assistance in the Philippines

The Council of Doon PRC has formed a new trio from which to call another missionary to the Philippines.  The trio consists of Revs. C. Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA), B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA), and J. Laning (Hull, IA PRC). 

The Doon congregation plans to call from this trio at their congregational meeting on Monday, November 23.

JonMahtaniIn other news related to the mission work in the Philippines, we find this note in one the PRC bulletins (Grace):

 The Foreign Mission Committee is sending various ministers to the Philippines to help the missionary, Rev. D. Kleyn. On Thursday, Nov. 12 Rev. Jon Mahtani (Cornerstone, Dyer, IN) will fly to the Philippines in order to help with the workload until Nov. 30. Let us pray for his travel and speaking to our churches.


May we be in prayer concerning these mission travels and labors. May God grant traveling mercies and make these visits a blessing in the Philippines.

Philippine Missions Newsletter - November 2015

Our missionary in the Philippines, along with the Foreign Mission Committee and the calling church, Doon PRC Council, have just published their latest newsletter.

The November 2015 issue, penned by Missionary-pastor D.Kleyn, provides information on the recent visitors/helpers to the field and the ongoing busyness of the labors in the various places in the Philippines. The need for a second missionary - perhaps more - remains great. Rev.Kleyn also reports on the visitors planned for the field in the coming months.

Let's remember to pray for the Kleyns as they serve the Lord and His people in distant lands - and by themselves at this point. May they daily experience the unfailing presence of their Lord and the faithful support of their fellow-saints.

You will find the full newsletter below in image form but the November newsletter is also attached here in pdf form. You may also visit the Kleyn's blog to see a more personal side to the life and work in this foreign land.

Nov 2015 Phil News Page 1
Nov 2015 Phil News Page 2


Mission News from Pittsburgh PR Fellowship - November 2015

Mandy Tolsma, our mission reporter from the Pittsburgh, PA mission station, provides another look at the life and activities of this PR Fellowship. The following is her news update for October/November 2015 (also attached in pdf form) She has also supplied the pictures, for which we thank her:

PittsPRF Oct 2015

Pittsburgh Fellowship Activities for October:

  • Pete and Megan Cnossen had their son, Peter Alan, baptized on October 4.
  • We had a Neighborhood Outreach committee meeting the second Sunday evening of October.  We discussed advertising for our lecture among many other topics.
  • We sponsored a lecture on October 23 with Prof Cammenga speaking on the “Reformation’s Recovery of the Family.”  We welcomed a few new visitors from the area and also people from Ohio and other areas in Pennsylvania.

RC Pittsburgh 2015

  • We welcomed many visitors:

Larry and Cathy and Michelle Looyenga.

Tim and Joan Kaiser and their daughter Amy from Grandville PRC.

Al and Betty Meurer and their daughter Jennifer from Bethel PRC.

Joshua and Christine Meurer and their three sons from Bethel PRC.

Dave and Jamie Ritsema from Georgetown PRC.

Professor Ronald and Mrs. Rhonda Cammenga.

Judi Kalsbeek from Faith PRC.

Church Activities for November and December:

  • Fellowship dinner scheduled for November 8 and December 13
  • We welcome members of the Domestic Mission Committee November 7 and 8.
  • Thanksgiving Day services on November 26.
  • We will celebrate Lord’s Supper, Lord willing, December 13.
  • Christmas Program will be in the evening of Sunday, December 20.
  • Christmas Day services
  • New Year’s Eve service.

Local Events for November and December:

Book a hotel room at the Comfort Inn on Rodi Road and request the Protestant Reformed Church discount!


Reformed News Asia - October 2015 (Issue 22)

Issue 22 - October 2015

Daily Meditations - Oct 2015

“Why should God require that His people ask of Him anything? In His providence, has He not eternally determined everything we would receive?"

- Rev.G. Van Baren, on Why is Prayer Necessary?

This issue of Daily Meditations takes us through Lord's Days 45-48. May you find comfort in these devotions.
For hard copy orders of the Daily Meditations, please click here.
We print pamphlets written by our members and those from other Reformed churches of like-minded faith. They include a wide range of topics from doctrines to church history and practical Christian living. These pamphlets serve to promote knowledge of the true God as expressed in the Reformed faith.
FEATURED Pamphlet!
Zeal for God's House: The Motivation for Christian Discipline
by Prof Ronald Cammenga 

Jesus' first official act was cleansing the temple. He drove out those that were buying and selling as they defiled God's house. The disciples remember the words from John 2:17 " The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up."

Our Lord Jesus Christ also expects this zeal in us. To keep His house clean and undefiled. To have Christian discipline. And there is motivation. What is this motivation?

This pamphlet lists 3 motivations behind this zeal; Love for the Erring Brother, Love for the Church and Love for God. Download to find out more! 

Click here  to view our catalogue of pamphlets.

Click here to make an order.

All pamphlets are free. CERC reserves some discretion regarding large orders and/or orders from those outside Singapore.
Audio Recordings

CERC recently concluded a series of "Bible Study Workshops" in which we learnt of the importance of of Bible Study and the roles of the Bible Study leader and member.

Click to listen to this 3-part series!
Click here to access all our audio recordings.
Upcoming Events!
Reformation Day Conference 2015
What is the “Forgotten Sola of the Reformation”? Join us at RDC 2015 for more!

Date/Time :
9th November (6.30pm)
10th November (Deepavali public holiday) (10am)

Theme : The Forgotten Sola of the Reformation: Solus Foedus
Speaker : Pastor Lanning

Meals will be provided on both days. Do send your enquiries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Youth Reformation Day Conference 2015
Why was the Christian Reformed Church formed? What were the things they stood
for? Why is it important for us to know? YRDC 2015 is the opportunity to learn more!

Date : 14 November (Saturday)
Theme : The Reformation of 1857
Speaker : Pastor Lanning
Time : 3pm
Dinner will be provided.
Covenant Keepers' Camp 2015

Theme : Hear What The Spirit Saith Unto The Churches
Speaker : Pastor Andy Lanning
Date : 16 - 19 December (Wed-Sat)
Fees : $15 (2 or more days); $7 (2 or more meals)
Save the dates!

Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.
Memories from CKCKS Camp 2014...
Southwest PRC Evangelism

What must be the biblical and confessional response of Christians to the teaching of theistic evolutionists? This and other questions were addressed in a lecture by Prof Ronald Cammenga titled “Theistic Evolution: Should the Church Make Peace or War?” at Grace Community Church in Hudsonville, MI on Friday October 9 at 7.30pm.

Click here to access the video recording.

Visit our new CLM website to read the latest articles and access archives of the Daily Meditations. Click the picture to access.
Salt Shakers
Salt Shakers is a bi-monthly magazine published by the youth in CERC. Included in each issue are writings pertaining to both Reformed doctrine and practical theology. Articles are contributed by the Session, youth and members of CERC, as well as pastors and professors from the Protestant Reformed Churches in the USA and Northern Ireland. Salt Shakers also features articles from other Reformed publications, notably the Standard Bearer and Beacon Lights. Click here to access!
Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church
We are a Reformed Church that holds to the doctrines of the Reformation as they are expressed in the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dordt.

Lord’s Day services on Sunday at 930 am & 2 pm • 11 Jalan Mesin, #04-00, Standard Industrial Building, Singapore 368813 • Pastor: Rev Andy Lanning  • 

Classis Meeting, October 31, 2015 - PRC in the Philippines

The Classis of the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines met on Saturday, October 31.

Classis of PRCP Oct 2015 1

One of the main items on the agenda for the classis was the consideration of a request from the Maranatha Protestant Reformed congregation (Valenzuela, Metro Manila) to join the federation with the Berean PRC (Masinag, Metro Manila) and the First PRC (Muzon, Bulacan).

Rev.Daniel Kleyn, PRC missionary-pastor to the Philippines, has posted a report with pictures on his blog about this meeting and its work. You are encouraged to visit that post, but we may also provide this summary from that report.

One of the main items on the agenda was the request of Maranatha PRC in Valenzuela to join the Federation of the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines.  There have been many meetings and months of preparation to determine if we were one in doctrine and faith.  Our Protestant Reformed missionaries (especially Rev. R. Smit) have also labored for many years in this congregation.  We now report with joy, and with thanks to the Lord, that Classis voted unanimously to receive MPRC into the federation.

Classis of PRCP Oct 2015 2
The delegates with the pastor and elder of Maranatha PRC.

 Left to right: Rev. John Flores, Elder Sonny Umali, Elder Eric Mescallado, Elder Rod Bongat, Rev. Daniel Kleyn, Rev. Vernon Ibe, Rev. Leovy Trinidad, Elder Ronald Mercado, Elder Alvin Castillo.
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Classical Officers

Classis East
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Classis West
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