

Reformed News Asia - May 2015 Issue

May2015 CERC HC MeditationsThe latest issue of "Reformed News Asia" (#17) has been released by the Christian Literature Ministry (CLM) of our sister church in Singapore, the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church. Once again you will find an issue filled with informative and profitable content (for information on the previous issue, #16, visit this page).

One of the special resources made available in this issue is the daily devotions, which continue a series covering the Heidelberg Catechism (LDs 19-22). Written by Rev.J.Kortering and Prof.H.Hanko, these devotions on the "HC" take you through the month of May and into June (May 7 - June 3). You will find great spiritual profit in using these devotions day by day (By the way, you may also find these same HC devotionals on the PRC website.).

The RNA also reports on upcoming activities in the CERC, such as the Covenant Keepers 2015 Retreat and the annual church camp, at which Prof.B.Gritters will be speaking in June. And it includes a note about two recent adult baptisms in the congregation. Another notice points to a new pamphlet published by the CLM - "Discerning Ethical Issues" by Rev.J.Kortering. For more on this and other CERC publications, follow this link.

For more information on events and activities in the CERC as well as on life in Singapore, with lots of great pictures and descriptions, visit the "Stories from Singapore" blog of the Lannings.

To subscribe to "Reformed News Asia", visit this link.


Faith PRC Council Delegation to Visit BERG in Germany

BERG header 1

The Council of Faith PRC is sending a delegation of two elders, Dave Bouwkamp and Randy Dykstra along with their wives, to Giessen, Germany May 4-18, the Lord willing, to meet with the leaders of the Bekennende Evangelisch-Reformierte Gemeinde (BERG, or Confessing Evangelical-Reformed Church) pastored by Dr. Jurgen-Burkhardt Klautke, and of the Akademie fur Reformatorische Theologie (ART, or Academy for Reformed Theology) to observe the seminary's work.

The visit will give the Council, which oversees the support from our congregation and others, a firsthand look at the work being done and how the monies are being used. This visit will also enable better communication to potential donors of the needs that the ART and BERG have.

The Contact Committee of the PRC is publishing a special report on this church in the May 15, 2015 issue of the Standard Bearer. Look for that in the next few weeks to learn more about this congregation and her faithful Reformed work and witness in Germany.

Let us remember the Boukamps and Dykstras in prayer as they travel to Germany and carry out this work. And let us remember to pray for our fellow saints and their leaders in the BERG. May God grant traveling mercies as well as blessings on the visits and discussions.


Reformed Witness Hour Messages for May 2015

First PRC of Grand Rapids, MI and the Reformed Witness Hour Committee announce the messages scheduled for May 2015 on the RWH radio program.

revrkleynRev.Rodney Kleyn, pastor of the Covenant of Grace PRC in Spokane, WA, will complete his series on the importance of public worship for Christians from the viewpoint of the end of Hebrews 10 and also deliver messages for Ascension Day (Christ's exaltation into heaven) and Pentecost (Christ's pouring out of His Spirit on His church).

Below is the schedule of messages, which you will also find attached in pdf form. For stations and time of broadcast, visit the RWH website, where you may also listen to and download past messages from the archive section.

May 2015 Flyer Page 1


PRC News for April 26, 2015 - A Decline and a Call Made

NathanDeckerOn Sunday, April 26, 2015 it was announced in Doon PRC (calling church for the Philippines mission) that Rev.Nathan Decker (Trinity PRC, Hudsonville, MI) had declined the called extended to him by the congregation of Doon on April 3 to serve as second missionary in the Philippines.

May the King of the church give contentment to Rev.N.Decker and his family, to Doon PRC, and to our current missionary, Rev.D.Kleyn, in the good will of our sovereign God. May we continue to pray for the calling and sending of such a man needed for this foreign field.

In other news, at its evening congregational meeting on Sunday, April 26, Peace PRC (Lansing, IL) voted to call Rev.N.Decker to "come over and help" them as their next pastor.


April 2015 Newsletter from the Philippines Mission

Our missionary in the Philippines, along with the Foreign Mission Committee and the calling church, Doon PRC Council, have just published their latest newsletter of this year.

The April 2015 issue, penned by Missionary-pastor Daniel Kleyn, provides a detailed update of the varied labors in this Far Eastern land, including the recent departure of his fellow-missionary, Rev.Richard Smit and his family, who has accepted the call to serve in the First PRC, Grand Rapids. MI. Rev.Kleyn reports on the plan the FMC and Doon PRC have for visiting pastors to assist in the work in the next few months and on the annual visit of the delegation from the FMC.

Let's remember to pray for the Kleyns as they serve the Lord and His people in distant lands. May they experience the unfailing presence of their Lord and the support of their fellow-saints.

You will find the full newsletter below in image form but the April newsletter is also attached here in pdf form. You may also visit the Kleyn's blog to see a more personal side to the life and work in this foreign land.

Apr2015PhilNews Page 1
Apr2015PhilNews Page 2


PRC News Roundup - April 19, 2015

The following PRC news items may be mentioned for special notice, as gleaned from this Sunday's church bulletins (April 19, 2015):

RSmit 1Former missionary to the Philippines, Rev. Richard Smit, is to be installed as pastor of First PRC, Grand Rapids MI Sunday morning, with Prof.Herman Hanko leading the service. He will preach his inaugural sermon in the evening in his new charge. May the Lord grant him a faithful and fruitful ministry in this congregation.

Rev. Nathan Decker (Trinity PRC, Hudsonville, MI) is considering the call to the Philippines. We remember him, his wife, and family in special prayers before the throne of grace.

Peace PRC (Lansing, IL) has formed a trio consisting of Rev. Nathan Decker, Rev. Garry Eriks (Hudsonville PRC), and Rev. Steven Key (Loveland, CO PRC). The congregation plans to call on April 26.

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