
PRC Seminary Updates - April/May 2016

Sem front May2014 1

As the PRC Seminary enters its closing weeks of the 2015-16 school year, a few updates are in order.

1. March and April were busy "visitation" months for the Seminary with visits from the fourth-grade classes at Heritage Christian School (March 30 & April 13), from the fifth-grade class of Adams Christian School (April 20), and from the church history students of Heritage Christian High in Dyer, IN (April 22). And the faculty and the students attended conferences at Calvin College (Junius Institute Colloquium on April 1) and First CRC of Byron Center (Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology on April 15-16).

HCS 4th 3
Heritage Christian 4th graders visiting the PRC archives room

AdamsCS 5
Adams Christian 5th graders enjoying fellowship with Seminary faculty and students.

HCHS April16 1
Heritage CHS students prepare to sit in on a class with Prof.B. Gritters.

2. On April 28 and 29 (this Thursday and Friday afternoons) the Seminary will host two lectures by Dr. Tom Reid (Reformed Presbyterian Seminary in Pittsburgh) on the Reformation in France and the French Reformed churches. These lectures will be given to the student body, faculty, and area ministers, but will also be live-streamed on the Seminary YouTube channel. Visit the link at the time of the lecture to watch and listen to these informative lectures (cf. also the attached media link to the full recorded video of the first lecture).

TReid lecture April
Prof.T.Reid lecturing on the French Reformed tradition.

3.The latest issue of the PR Theological Journal is now available. The April 2016 issue (v.49 #2) features articles by Prof.R. Dykstra, Rev. Josh Engelsma, Prof.R. Cammenga, and a variety of excellent book reviews (see cover image below). Check the Seminary Journal page for all the digital versions of this issue now also available.

PRTJ April 2016 cover

4. Remember the faculty and students in prayer as they now in the final weeks of the second semester, with only one week of classes left after this week (end May 6) and then a week of exams (May 9-13).

5. The students are eagerly anticipating their summer internships (July 1 - December 31), as noted here before. Once again, those are scheduled as follows:

  • Matt DeBoer in Georgetown PRC (Hudsonville, MI), under Rev.C. Haak
  • Brian Feenstra to Loveland PRC (Colorado), under Rev.S. Key
  • Joe Holstege to Calvary PRC (Hull, IA), under Rev.C. Griess
  • Jonathan Langerak to Edgerton PRC (Minnesota), under Rev.D. Kuiper
  • David Noorman to Hope PRC (Redlands, CA), under Rev.B. Huizinga
  • Justin Smidstra to Faith PRC (Jenison, MI) under Rev.C. Spronk
  • Stephan Regnerus to SE PRC (Grand Rapids, MI), under Rev.W. Langerak
Last modified on 14 May 2016


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