

PRC & Sister-Church Congregational and Mission News - February 5, 2017



On this first Lord's Day of February 2017, we may note the following news items from the PRC congregations and her mission fields:

Congregational news:

  • Last Sunday (Jan.29) Rev. R. Van Overloop announced his decline of the call from Byron Center PRC to serve as home missionary.
  • Rev. A. Lanning (CERC-Singapore) is considering the call from First PRC, Holland MI to serve as her next pastor.
  • Rev. R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC, Spokane, WA) is considering the call from SW PRC, Wyoming MI to serve as her next pastor.

Mission News:


  • We remember in prayer Rev. J. Mahtani (Cornerstone PRC, Dyer, IN) as he continues to consider the call from Doon PRC to serve as third missionary to the Philippines.
  • Rev. Allen and Crysta Brummel and Elder Alan De Boer representing the FMC and Doon consistory had a good trip this past week to the Philippines for the annual delegation.  Rev. Brummel preached in the Berean PRC today and they met with the consistory of the PRC of Bulacan.  They plan to arrive home again on Tuesday, February 14.  We remember the delegation in our prayers.

The members of our sister church in Singapore, Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church, are currently celebrating the Chinese New Year (2017 is the Year of the Rooster). Mrs. S. Lanning posted some pictures on the annual church visitation day they hold during this week-long celebration. Below is her opening description and two of her pictures. For more on this, visit her blog post.

To our brothers and sisters there we extend a hearty "Happy and blessed New Year!"

Chinese NY 2017 1
Singing Chinese songs

It is Chinese New Year once again, and today was the annual church Chinese New Year visitation.  Two homes were opened for members of the congregation to visit together.  We went to the home of Roy & Poh Choo, along with Dave & Linda Poortinga, who are visiting from Loveland, Colorado. We began with singing and an exhortation.

Chinese NY 2017 2
Singing Psalter numbers


Reformed Witness Hour Messages for February 2017

First PRC of Grand Rapids, MI and the Reformed Witness Hour Committee announce the messages scheduled for February 2017 on the RWH radio program.

revrkleynRev. Rodney, pastor of Covenant of Grace PRC in Spokane, WA, begins his four-month service for the RWH program with a new series on the law of God.

You are encouraged to listen to these important messages and to let others know about them too. Help spread the word about the Reformed Witness Hour, now in its 76th year of broadcasting the truths of God's sovereign, particular, efficacious grace!

Below are the messages scheduled for this month, also in flyer form (attached in pdf).

February 5, 2017 - How I Love Thy Law, Psalm 119:97

February 12, 2017 - No Other Gods, Exodus 20:2

February 19, 2017 - The True Worship of God, Exodus 20:4-6

February 26, 2017 - A Name to Be Reverenced, Exodus 20:7

February2017flyer RK Page 1


Reformed News Asia - January 2017

Issue 37 - January 2017
We print pamphlets written by our members and those from other Reformed churches of like-minded faith. They include a wide range of topics from doctrines to church history and practical Christian living. These pamphlets serve to promote knowledge of the true God as expressed in the Reformed faith.
FEATURED Pamphlet!
Hating Your Own Life
By Rev Angus Stewart

"If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:26 

Jesus instructs us to hate ourselves and even our family. What does this mean? It means to hate our sins and sinfulness! God's children hate themselves as those who are sinful and sin! A believer hates his own life because he loves Jesus Christ who has saved him from destruction and has given him the knowledge of God.

Three biblical examples are cited in this pamphlet. Read to find out more!

Click hereto view our catalogue of pamphlets.

Click here to make an order.

All pamphlets are free. CERC reserves some discretion regarding large orders and/or orders from those outside Singapore.

Featured Book
For local orders (S'pore), please contact Ms Daisy Lim at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For international orders, click here.
Called to Watch for Christ's Return
by Rev Martyn McGeown

From the RFPA website:

"Christ had two concerns. First, his disciples must know the signs of his coming, which are footsteps of his approach. But Christ is not satisfied with mere “sign-gazing,” which can lead to speculation and idle, foolish living. He did not give signs to satisfy our curiosities, but so that we will be ready for him when he returns. Therefore, Christ’s second concern was the readiness of his disciples, which is expressed in his urgent and repeated warnings to watch for his coming in light of the signs."
Audio Recordings
In connection with 2 significant events that happened in CERC in the past month, Rev Lanning preached the following sermons:

1) Installation of Rev Emmanuel Singh as CERC's missionary to Kolkta, India:
Gentiles Hearing And Believing

2) Confession of Faith, Adult Baptism and Infant Baptism of a family
The Blessed Covenant Family

Click to listen to the sermons!

Upcoming Events!
Church Camp 2017

Here's some early publicity for our annual church camp! In case you're making plans to attend, here are the details:

Dates: 12-15 June 2017
Location: Awana, Genting Highlands (Malaysia)
Speaker: Rev Andy Lanning

For more information, please contact Boaz Leong at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Straight off the website: "At Awana, comfort is rivalled only by the view. Indulge in five-star luxury while enjoying the breathtaking view of a majestic mountain range, and make full use of our 18-hole golf course, heated swimming pool, and other sports facilities."

Past Events...
Wedding of Cornelius and Jemima Joy
CERC started off the year with a very joyous event -  the marriage of Cornelius Boon and Jemima Joy Yeow! On 7 Jan 17, a simple wedding ceremony was held at First Evangelical Reformed Church, uniting the couple in holy matrimony.

We pray the Lord's blessings upon them as they begin their married life, desiring that their lives may be as described in their wedding text (Phil 4:6-7):

6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Installation of Rev Emmanuel Singh
On 8 Jan, Rev Emmanuel Singh was installed as CERC's missionary pastor to Kolkata, India. We are thankful for Rev Emmanuel's acceptance of the call and his willingness to labour on the mission field. We pray that the Lord may gather His people through the faithful preaching of His Word.

Acts 15:7b "Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe."

Rev Emmanuel Singh (on a previous trip for his examination)
Confession of Faith, Adult Baptism and Infant Baptism!
On 22 Jan, CERC had more cause for rejoicing as we witnessed a family joining the church through COF, adult baptism AND infant baptism! This was the final group from the 2016 membership class - the Lehnert family. Curtis made COF, while his wife, Esther, and 2 children were baptised.

We thank the Lord for the growth of the church and the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of these hearers of the Word. We pray for His continued blessings upon the 2017 membership class.

Confession of Faith of Curtis
Baptism of Esther
Baptism of Gabriella
Baptism of Roman
Visitors from USA!
You may have heard that we in CERC love having visitors - especially fellow saints from our sister churches. Imagine our delight then we we heard of the Lentings and Bodbyls coming to visit!

Mark, Bethanne and Nicole Lenting were here over the Christmas and New Year period, while Tom and Gretine Bodbyl arrived not too long after. Here are some snippets from their stay here.

[Lentings] Pulau Ubin! Looking fresh, but ready to collapse after 4 hours of cycling.
[Lentings] Christmas dinner! Minus the snow and cold (:
[Lentings] Sunday Farewell dinner!
[Bodbyls] Supper with some church members after Sunday worship
[Bodbyls] MORE food and fellowship with a couple of families from church
[Bodbyls] Sunday Farewell dinner!
What a wonderful time of fellowship. Do holler if you plan to visit; we'd love to have you!

Psalter #27, Stanza 2:

I love Thy saints, who fear Thy Name
And walk as in Thy sight;
They are the excellent of earth,
In them is my delight.

Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church
We are a Reformed Church that holds to the doctrines of the Reformation as they are expressed in the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dordt.

Lord’s Day services on Sunday at 930 am & 2 pm • 11 Jalan Mesin, #04-00, Standard Industrial Building, Singapore 368813 • Pastor: Rev Andy Lanning  • 


Covenant Reformed News - January 2017

Covenant Reformed News

January 2017  •  Volume XVI, Issue 9

God’s Longsuffering and the Sins of His Elect

Having considered the reprobate ungodly in the last issue of the Covenant Reformed News, we now turn to Scripture’s teaching on the divine attribute of longsuffering with regard to the sins of God’s people in Jesus Christ.

Think of the terrible transgressions of the nation of Israel in the Old Testament! These included their lewd idolatry with the golden calf at Mount Sinai (Ex. 32-34) and their stubborn refusal at Kadesh to enter the promised land (Num. 13-14). We read of God’s being longsuffering or slow to anger at both of these low points, both at the time (Ex. 34:6; Num. 14:18) and later (Neh. 9:17).

This last verse occurs in a review of Israel’s history that highlights Jehovah’s mighty acts for the salvation of His people despite their terrible sins. Nehemiah 9 begins with the children of Israel coming together for a fast, covered with “sackclothes” and with dust upon their heads (1), confessing “their sins, and the iniquities of their fathers” (2).

Listen to their lament: “our fathers dealt proudly, and hardened their necks, and hearkened not to thy commandments, And refused to obey, neither were mindful of thy wonders that thou didst among them; but hardened their necks” (16-17). Moreover, “they were disobedient, and rebelled against thee, and cast thy law behind their backs, and slew thy prophets which testified against them to turn them to thee, and they wrought great provocations” (26). Repeatedly, “they did evil again before thee ... they dealt proudly, and hearkened not unto thy commandments, but sinned against thy judgments … and withdrew the shoulder, and hardened their neck, and would not hear” (28, 29).

Thus the Levites declare on behalf of Israel, “we have done wickedly: Neither have our kings, our princes, our priests, nor our fathers, kept thy law, nor hearkened unto thy commandments and thy testimonies, wherewith thou didst testify against them. For they have not served thee in their kingdom” (33-35). Yet there was hope because God was longsuffering or “slow to anger” (17)!

No wonder that holy David, who meditated in God’s law day and night, celebrated this divine virtue (Ps. 86:15; 103:8; 145:8) in connection with the forgiveness of sins (Ps. 86:5; 103: 3, 10, 12).

God also magnified His longsuffering in His salvation of elect Gentiles, including the Ninevites (Jonah 4:2) and the New Testament church (II Pet. 3:9, 15), most of which is not ethnically Jewish (Rom. 9:22-24). What a multitude of sins of former pagans are covered in the blood of Jesus Christ in the longsuffering of God!

Jehovah is “longsuffering” to predestinated individuals, including Paul, the “chief” of sinners, who persecuted the church before God showed His rich “grace” to him (I Tim. 1:13-16).

All of this speaks to us, beloved! How longsuffering has God been to us regarding our original sins! What about all of the sins of our youth (Ps. 25:7)? Many of us can recall our horrible iniquities before we came to Christ. There are also our sins as Christians, some of which seem to us to be even worse than our pre-conversion sins because they were committed against far greater light. We have transgressed God’s holy law as His children, as church members, as earthly sons or daughters, as husbands or wives, as fathers or mothers, at home and at work, in our thoughts and words and deeds!

But our covenant God comes to us in Scripture, reminding us of His longsuffering! Through the preaching of the holy gospel, He declares to us that He is longsuffering, as the One who is patient, gracious and slow to anger. Jehovah’s longsuffering is symbolized and sealed in the sacrament of holy baptism (I Pet. 3:20-21).

God’s longsuffering is an instance of what are often called His communicable attributes, that is, those divine perfections that He works into the hearts and lives of His people so that they reflect His virtues in a creaturely way.

Think of the parable of the unmerciful servant in Matthew 18:23-35, which could also be called the parable of the unlongsuffering servant! Regarding the slave and his master, we read, “The servant therefore fell down, and worshipped him, saying, Lord, have patience with [i.e., be longsuffering towards] me, and I will pay thee all” (26). Regarding the slave and his fellow slave, we read, “And his fellowservant fell down at his feet, and besought him, saying, Have patience with [i.e., be longsuffering towards] me, and I will pay thee all” (29).

The point of the parable is that we should be longsuffering towards and forgive those who have wronged us, if they ask for our forgiveness (and we should be willing to forgive those who wrong us, if they do not ask for our pardon). After all, Scripture itself tells us the lesson regarding forgiveness that Christ’s parable is designed to teach: “Jesus saith unto him [i.e., Peter], I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven” (22).

Forgive others! After all, God has been, and is, longsuffering towards you and has forgiven you billions of sins, like the servant who owes an unpayable debt in the parable. Thus we must be longsuffering and forgive others. The truth of God’s longsuffering is very practical and for some this is a hard spiritual lesson to learn. By meditating upon, and rejoicing in, God’s longsuffering in Himself and towards us miserable offenders, the Holy Spirit enables us to be longsuffering and forgiving to those who have sinned against us.

What Christ teaches in one of His inimitable parables, the apostle Paul states in one of his canonical epistles: “Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved … longsuffering; Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye” (Col. 3:12-13). This is our calling as the undeserving objects of God’s longsuffering!  Rev. Stewart


False Prophets

“And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel. And they shall bear the punishment of their iniquity: the punishment of the prophet shall be even as the punishment of him that seeketh unto him” (Eze. 14:9-10).

A reader of the News from Uganda asked to have this passage explained.

God spoke to His people Israel in different ways. Sometimes He spoke directly to them, as at Sinai; sometimes through miracles He performed for them, which miracles were signs of spiritual truths; very frequently, God spoke to His people through prophets whom He anointed with His Spirit. Moses himself was a prophet through whom God spoke, more frequently, it seems, than any other prophet. But all the prophets spoke the Word that God gave them to speak. That was their glorious calling.

Just as a priest was a mediator between God and His people, and just as a king ruled over God’s people in His name, so a prophet spoke the Word of God. Even the word “prophet” means one who “bubbles over” with the Word of God. When Jeremiah, because he suffered much and was repeatedly rejected by Judah, wanted to resign his office and told God so, he could not resign because, as he put it, the Word of God was “as a burning fire” within him (Jer. 20:9). But where there were true prophets, there were also false prophets. They put themselves in an office to which they were not called by God. They falsely claimed to be sent by God and to speak on His behalf.

Even before Israel entered Canaan, while they were in the plains of Moab ready to cross the River Jordan, God through Moses spoke long to them. Among the things He said to them was His warning against false prophets and how Israel could distinguish them from the true prophets of God (e.g., Deut. 13; 18).

Perhaps, the clearest instance of false prophets as distinguished from a true prophet is found in II Chronicles 18. (The reader is urged to read the entire chapter and especially verses 4-27.) Let us take a close look at this chapter for it answers the questions of the reader.

II Chronicles 18 describes the wicked agreement between godless Ahab and God-fearing Jehoshaphat to go to war together against Syria. As the prophet Jehu told him, this was very wrong of Jehoshaphat: “Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the Lord? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord” (19:2). The righteous should never join with the wicked for any reason.

Ahab and Jehoshaphat were sitting at the entrance of the city of Samaria, where in most cities in Israel was a huge gathering place, a sort of public square. The false prophets that claimed to speak in God’s name were prophesying before the two kings, proclaiming and saying that the kings should indeed fight against the Syrians because Jehovah said they would be victorious.

Jehoshaphat asked for a prophet of the Lord and Ahab knew only of one, Micaiah by name, but Ahab did not like Micaiah because he always spoke evil of wicked Ahab. It is a strange conversation that revealed Ahab’s twisted mind. Micaiah prophesied the same as the prophets of Baal. Ahab demanded that he speak Jehovah’s word. Micaiah did so and was imprisoned by Ahab for doing it.

In the course of Micaiah’s prophesy of the defeat that Israel would suffer, he explained why the false prophets prophesied falsely. Some of the demons were in heaven (as was possible for them in the old dispensation) and God asked the assembly for volunteers to deceive Ahab. Some demons said they could deceive the king by being a lying spirit in Ahab’s false prophets and God gave them permission to do this.

This answers the question of the reader why the text quoted speaks of God deceiving wicked prophets. God is sovereign also over the demons. Yet, as the text makes clear, those who prophesy falsely, as well as those who listen to and act on the wicked prophesies that lead people astray, are all guilty. For they all commit their sin wilfully.

In other words, the people who listen to false prophets know that the prophet to whom they listen is a wicked prophet who does not come with the Word of God. They listen to him anyway and do what he says. They are enticed by the false prophet’s flattering words and like the predictions that suit them. (I do not know why good King Jehoshaphat did what the false prophets said and ignored what he knew to be the Word of God. He must have been so enamoured by his desire to cooperate with wicked Israel that he was blind to what he knew he ought to do.)

In the old dispensation, the Lord gave guidelines for Israel to distinguish between a false prophet and a true prophet. For one thing, they were to see whether the predictions the prophets made actually took place.

Today’s false prophets swarm like bees in the church world. Jesus said this would happen as a sign of His coming (Matt. 24:4-5, 11, 23-28). They claim to speak the Word of God but instead they speak seducing words, words that men like to hear. All the false prophets who emerge throughout the whole history of the church will culminate with the greatest of all false prophets, the Antichrist. The whole world will accept him not only as a prophet but as if he were Christ Himself, the great prophet of God (II Thess. 2:1-12; Rev. 13:3-8).

In the new dispensation, God has given to His church an infallible canon by which every prophet, whether true or false, can be evaluated or tested. That canon is the sacred Scriptures. Let us not be deceived: those who follow false prophets know they are false; they follow them anyway, but they walk contrary to God’s righteous ways and will be destroyed. We must listen to prophets who bring to us the Word of God as found in the holy Scriptures alone. Prof. Hanko

Covenant Protestant Reformed Church
83 Clarence Street, Ballymena, BT43 5DR • Lord’s Day services at 11 am & 6 pm
Website: • Live broadcast:
Pastor: Angus Stewart, 7 Lislunnan Road, Kells, N. Ireland, BT42 3NR • (028) 25 891851  
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. • •

South Wales Lecture

Thursday, 2 March, 2017
at 7:15 PM

The Round Chapel
274 Margam Road, Port Talbot, SA13 2DB

The New Calvinism and the Reformation Compared

What is the New Calvinism? How does it differ from (old) Calvinism? What is its relation to the Reformation (which is in its 500th anniversary year)? And what is our calling as Calvinists and Reformed people?

Rev. Angus Stewart

All welcome!

Corrupting the Word of God

The History of
the Free Offer

by Herman Hanko
(272 pp, hardback)

Emeritus professor of church history, Herman Hanko, guides us through fascinating doctrinal controversies in the early, Reformation and modern eras of the church, emphasizing the teaching of the great theologians, such as Augustine and John Calvin, on God’s particular grace, which is always irresistible and never fails or is frustrated. In dealing with the historical perspective of God’s absolutely sovereign grace versus the well-meant offer, this book fills a gap in the literature, and does so in a way that is warm and easily understood.

£16.50 (inc. 10% P&P)

Order from the 
CPRC Bookstore
on-line, by post or telephone
7 Lislunnan Road, Kells, N. Ireland BT42 3NR
(028) 25891851

Make cheques payable to “Covenant Protestant Reformed Church.” Thank you!

PRC Congregational and Mission News - January 29, 2017 (Updated)

On this last Lord's Day of January 2017, we post the following news items from the PRC congregations and her mission fields:


Congregational news:

  • Today Heritage PRC in Sioux Falls, SD celebrates her tenth anniversary. We rejoice with them and pray God's continued blessing on them. This is the note found in her bulletin leading up to the celebration:

On Sunday evening, January 29, during our 4:00 p.m. service, we will commemorate 10 years of worship services in Sioux Falls.  After the evening worship service we will have a congregational luncheon. Under the auspices of the Domestic Mission Committee and oversight of Edgerton PRC, worship services began on January 28, 2007 in the Ambassador Room at the Holiday Inn downtown, with Rev. Rodney Kleyn preaching for the morning service and Rev. David Overway preaching in the afternoon. Rev. Brummel will preach an appropriate sermon and we urge you to invite family and friends to join us in celebration of God’s faithfulness.  A group photo will be taken after the evening service, so we encourage everyone to be present.

  • Last Sunday (Jan.22) the congregation of First PRC, Holland MI voted to extend a call to Rev. A. Lanning (CERC, Singapore).
  • Last Sunday (Jan.22) the congregation of SW PRC, Wyoming MI voted to call Rev. R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC, Spokane, WA).
  • Byron Center PRC has called Rev. R. Van Overloop to serve as home missionary. UPDATE: Today Rev. R. Van Overloop announced that he had declined this call.

Mission News:

  • Georgetown PRC reports that Mr. and Mrs. Deane Wassink returned home safely from their trip to Vellore, India, where they assisted Pastor Paulraj and Prof. Gritters in the ongoing labors. We thank the Lord for their work and support in this endeavor.
  • We remember in prayer Rev. J. Mahtani (Cornerstone PRC, Dyer, IN) as he considers the call from Doon PRC to serve as third missionary to the Philippines.
  • The annual delegation of Doon PRC and the Foreign Mission Committee of the PRCA plans to visit the Philippines from February 3-14, the Lord willing. Coming on this delegation are Rev. Allen Brummel (along with his wife Crysta) and Elder Alan De Boer.

 Book of PsalmsGod be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah. That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations. Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. Psalm 67:1-3


New Issue of "Salt Shakers" Magazine - January 2017

SS 41 Jan 2017 Page 1

"Covenant Keepers", the youth ministry of the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore (our sister church), has just released the January 2017 issue of "Salt Shakers" (#41),their youth magazine.

Once again, this issue of "SS" is filled with interesting and profitable articles, and our PRC young people especially are invited and encouraged to make it part of their reading content.

Below you will find a note from the "SS" Committee introducing the contents of this issue and images of the cover and table of contents. The entire issue is also attached here in pdf form.

Beloved Readers,

The Salt Shakers Committee is pleased to bring you Issue 41 of Salt Shakers!

In this issue, we begin our consideration of the theme for the first half of this year: "Dare to Stand". It has never been easy for God's people to stand for the truth, and 2017 will be no different. This year, we also mark the 500th anniversary of the 1517 Reformation and the preserving of God's church through the centuries. Though the way may oftentimes appear bleak, the cause is God's alone, and it will never fail!

Once again, we are thankful for the Lord' grace in sustaining the continued publishing of Salt Shakers, and for all our writers and their excellent contributions. 

Pro Rege,
Chua Lee Yang, On Behalf of the Salt Shakers Committee

SS 41 Jan 2017 Page 2


PRC Congregational and Mission News - January 22, 2017 (*Updated)

2cor5 21

On this January 22, 2017 Lord's Day, the following news items may be given from the PRC congregations and her mission fields:

Concerning ministerial calls:

  • First PRC, Holland MI will call today from her trio of Revs. C. Haak (Georgetown PRC, Hudsonville, MI), R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace, Spokane, WA), and A. Lanning (CERC, Singapore). *Update: The congregation voted to extend a call to Rev. A. Lanning.
  • SW PRC, Wyoming MI plans to call today from her trio of Rev. S. Key (Loveland PRC), Rev. R. Kleyn, and Rev. C Spronk (Faith PRC). *Update: The congregation voted to call Rev. R. Klyen.
  • Rev. R. Van Overloop continues to consider the call from Byron Center PRC to serve as home missionary.

From Georgetown PRC:

INDIA DELEGATION: Professor Barry and Lori Gritters returned home safely on Wednesday from a three week stay with the PRCV of India. The Lord greatly blessed their time with Pastor Paul Raj and the Vellore congregation. Prof. Gritters taught in the PRCV's Sola Gratia Program (training of area Pastors and office bearers in Reformed doctrine), lead Bible studies for the members of the PRCV and members from the CMC (Christian Medical College) of Vellore, preached in area villages, lead seminars in neighboring cities for interested pastors, and spoke at other sizable gatherings of the Reformed Faith. The Lord has "opened a door of utterance to speak the mysteries of Christ" (Col. 4:3) for us in India. We thank the Gritters for their faithful work. - Council of Georgetown PRC.

Contact Committee labors:

Rev. R. VanOverloop and Mr. Sid Miedema are finishing the annual visit with the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church in N. Ireland this weekend. They are in CPRC mission field in Limerick, Ireland today. They and their wives plan to return tomorrow, January 23. May God grant them a safe return to the States.

Concerning the Philppines missions:

  • From Provident CC bulletin we learn that Rev. D. Holstege begins his labors by preaching in that congregation today.
  • We remember in prayer Rev. J. Mahtani (Cornerstone PRC, Dyer, IN) as he considers the call from Doon PRC to serve as third missionary to the Philippines.
  • The annual delegation of Doon PRC and the Foreign Mission Committee of the PRCA plans to visit the Philippines from February 3-14, the Lord willing. Coming on this delegation are Rev. Allen Brummel (along with his wife Crysta) and Elder Alan De Boer.

2017 PR Young People's Convention News (1) - Chaperone Registration


Theme: Holding Forth the Word of Life (Philippians 2:15-16)

Theme banner

Dates: August 7-11, 2017

Camp Michindoh

Location: Michindoh Conference Center

Chaperone Registration for the 2017 Young People's Convention hosted by First PRC of Holland began Monday, January 2, 2017.

The convention is planned for August 7-11 at Michindoh Conference Center in Hillsdale, Michigan. To register, go to our website  and follow the instructions under the Chaperone Tab. If you have any questions, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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